Freedom [Part 2]

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[ Author note: So I have a lot of potential ideas for this plot but just can't do them all in here so I was wondering if you guys would like to see me make it a full story? Separate book of course!! In the meantime please enjoy the draft that was supposed to be part 2 but yk I'm sorry it isn't my best.

Content Warning in Part 1 !!


"I must say, your new clothes certainly suit you well. I'm unsure about the stomach being exposed, though..."

Tartaglia crossed his arms and playfully stuck his tongue out at the other man. "Well, some of us are too hot to go around in multiple layers like you. Seriously, how are you even alive?"

Zhongli chuckled, looking up at the sky with a smile. "I suppose I've just gotten used to it. The weather here in Liyue is beautiful enough to wear any type of clothing, to me."

'Yeah, unless you come in full Snezhnayan winter coats...' Tartaglia thought.

Zhongli didn't have to ask him twice to go down to the docks with him. He simply followed the taller man's every step, walking through the streets of Liyue. Even while inside the clothing store, many eyes glanced over at the future princes of their country. Although coming from Snezhnaya and therefore being an outsider, nobody seemed to be too weirded out by his presence. Tartaglia was sure he would have to answer questions sooner or later though- their curiosity was inevitable.

Despite the welcoming atmosphere; the ginger held his head down bashfully, looking away from all the eyes on him. Zhongli smiled at his embarrassment, holding his hand tighter for comfort. He wasn't upset- After all, this was his first time being around people like this. A drastic change from his quiet palace with few to mingle with to the bustling streets and venders of Liyue.

"Your majesty," One stopped the couple in their tracks, bowing to them. "Forgive me for my intrusion on your stroll, but some preparations for the wedding need to be decided and ordered to ensure the best quality when the time comes."

"I see," He nodded, motioning towards his lover. "Ningguang, this is my fiancé, Tartaglia of Snezhnaya. Perhaps we should talk about these things together, now. It would be unfair for me to plan the whole thing myself."

Ningguang nodded. "It would be most beneficial, your majesty. And greetings to your fiancé, I am Ningguang, and I'll be in charge of preparing most things for your wedding."

"Okay..." Tartaglia replied weakly. With all the people around, and the looming fact of being married to this man he didn't meet to long ago, he was still feeling rather anxious.

"Forgive him, he has not been in such a setting with this many people before." Zhongli explained. "What do we need to prepare?"

"Flowers, A main course, dessert, and outfits are all needed urgently. Once you select some clothing you like, we also need a fitting to be done."

Zhongli looked up at the sky. "We shall report back to you before the night is over. My love here needs some time to settle in and see our options."

"Of course. Please, do not feel rushed. We can always put in these items last minute with a statement of urgency, although it is not recommended. Whatever his majesty prefers." Ningguang bowed again, leaving the two alone once more.

Zhongli brought Tartaglia's hands up to his face, kissing his knuckles softly. "I'm sorry my love, I'm afraid we have some urgent matters to attend to."

The Snezhnayan prince looked away, once again unable to process his feelings. He felt embarrassed that Zhongli would make over him in public. Was that a normal thing that lovers did? He wouldn't know, because not even the Tsaritsa had a lover. Second, he understood what Ningguang was saying, he didn't need to repeat it for him. Yes, he was confused on what would be basic things but he wasn't stupid.

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