A Worthwhile Commission

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[ Author Note: kind of long, I'm sorry, but it's important.

I'm so sorry for disappearing from this book for a few weeks out of nowhere. Zhongli and Childe is one of my favorite ships ever, of course, but on top of writers block my requests page I just received some insanely triggering messages (please, don't attack anyone) and I had to step back and take a break. I hope you guys understand.

I also changed the cover art of this book because the original artist did not want their art being reposted or used. Instead, I just went with some official art. ]

Content Warning: Fighting/Violence mentions, swearing, I apologize if there's spelling/grammar mistakes I don't feel like rereading this, gay disaster Childe my beloved


"Oh! Traveler, Paimon, just in time!" A familiar voice spoke to them from Liyue's adventurers guild as they were walking by. Lumine and Paimon weren't look to take on another quest or commission at the moment; but they couldn't say no to Katheryne either. They stepped up to her stand with a warm smile.

"Hi Katheryne. Another quest only fitting for the world famous strong and brave traveler?"

"Hey, Paimon is part of this too!" Paimon pouted.

She giggled. "Yes, I believe so. I've tried giving this commission to other adventurers, but everyone's a bit too...Scared."

"Scared?" The blonde tilted her head. "Is it monsters?"

Katheryne just laughed sheepishly, rubbing the back of her neck. "Uh...Not exactly. This commission was brought to me by Childe himself. Childe as in, the eleventh of the Fatui Harbingers. You can imagine my fear and surprise when he came to the counter..."

"Hmph! No way are we running Childe's errands!" Paimon stomped. "That guy is nothing but trouble! He's strong, he can do whatever this is by himself!"

Lumine wanted to agree completely. She didn't enjoy Childe's company one bit, but part of her couldn't help but be curious. If someone as egotistical about their fighting abilities as him went to the adventurers guild, it must be serious. Maybe there wasn't fighting involved if he came for help? It could be to simply babysit Teucer again.

"Before you decline, I must tell you that Master Childe said a great deal of mora would be involved to any and all who help."

"Uh...." Paimon smiled at Lumine. "You know what, I think it's time to stop by our good buddy Childe's place! If he's asking for help, we should be worried!"

"Oh, great. I'll leave this commission to you then." Katheryne smiled before turning her attention to some other adventurers arriving at her stand. Lumine took the hint and started walking away with Paimon, glaring at her.

"Your motives are so obvious sometimes," The blonde groaned. "Now I have to talk to Childe again. You know how much I hate him."

"Hate the Childe, love the mora!" Was all Paimon replied with, smiling proudly.

Lumine rolled her eyes. She was in need of mora, as always, but going to Childe and begging for mora was out of character. That was...Someone else's job.

She just hoped this would all be over soon and worth it in the end, and they haven't even started. Katheryne didn't even tell the two travelers where the ginger was, so it was up to her to go looking around all of Liyue Harbor for his commission.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2022 ⏰

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