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{ Author Note: Hey everyone! I'm back to posting again, thanks so much for being patient for a few days! Here's a short chapter while I get back to work. What a fitting chapter for today, 6/9 ehe. Anyways, I present to you: idiots in love. }

[ Content Warning: LOTS of Implied sexual content & alcohol, spoilers for Liyue main quests, Childe is called Ajax ]


A beautiful, soft sight fluttered beneath Zhongli's eyes as he pulled back from one of many passionate kisses that were shared during the night. He didn't want to embarrass his lover- but he honestly wished nights like this could be stored as a photo in his memory. He was so beautiful; eyelids half open, lips parted slightly, asking for another kiss with his panting breath behind them. His messy hair piled in his face, needing Zhongli to take a gentle hand to swoop it out to see his eyes. Tiny beads of sweat formed at his forehead, and tears at the corner of his eyes.

"Zhongli..." His lover breathed out tiredly; almost in a whisper, yet full of passion, making his heart melt. If he hadn't known Childe- no, Ajax, was at his his limit, he would've continued. The ex-Archon knew better, and just nuzzled his chin into the ginger's neck, grabbing both of his hands to squeeze them tightly.

"I know, my dear. If we keep this up I might hurt you." Zhongli said, meaning every word. Of course he loved this, of course he loved Ajax, but even if he asked, he would not purposely hurt him. That's something Zhongli promised to himself- he even went as far to stop training in hand-to-hand combat with the harbinger. It upset him, but yet he understood better than anyone. Ajax couldn't bear to hurt him either, although fighting was one of his all time favorite things.

The ginger still whined, shifting around to wrap his arms around Zhongli's neck. If this wouldn't work, then nothing would. He pressed his forehead to the ex-Archon's, looking him in the eyes with a pleading expression. He wouldn't beg out loud- but Zhongli knew what he was doing. He chuckled, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "My, my, your beloved Tsaritsa is in for quite a shock when she finds out you're begging for another God's love."

"Actually, I'm begging for another round. I already have your love wrapped around my finger." Ajax pouted, still breathing heavily. They shared a few more soft kisses, and exhausted cuddles, before Zhongli put a finger to his lips.

"I will prepare us a bath and change these sheets. Will you be okay here for a moment?"

"I suppose so..." He muttered back in a pout jokingly, grabbing the dragon plushie from the foot of their bed, where it was sent off to during their love. Stuffed animals shouldn't witness such unholy sights. "I guess this Morax will have to suffice until you return."

Zhongli chuckled, rolling his eyes as he went off into their bathroom to start a bath. Baths were much better than showers- they were just so cramped and slippery. Not to mention the water gets cold after ten minutes. You can't cuddle in those conditions!!

Soon he finished preparing the bath, and setting aside some wine on the small areas where soaps would usually go on the corners of the tub. Ajax didn't drink wine as much as Zhongli; which wasn't a lot either, but they still enjoyed drinking it together. Not to mention it was supposed to be at least a little romantic. Maybe it was cheesy, but he didn't care.

Finally, he grabbed some spare sheets from their closet, and tossed the old ones aside in a basket to take down later. Ajax wasn't much help putting on the new sheets- in fact, Zhongli had to carry him to the couch in their bedroom just to get anything done. He didn't blame the ginger, he wouldn't be able to walk either.

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