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[ Author Note: here's another short one for ya while I finish part 2 of freedom, sorry it's just another fluffy/non serious one ahh!! :) thanks for being patient as always!

PS- in oneshots where the traveler is present I will do my best to switch around making it Lumine/Aether so it's not just one of them, both siblings are amazing!

Swearing in this chapter but other than that, free from any other content warnings! ]


A slow day at the funeral parlor.

Well, it was always a slow day. Usually people came in ahead of time if they needed a funeral planned; but Zhongli thinks families were scared off by Hu Tao's interesting advertisements, however either way neither of the two had anything to be working on at the moment.

Hu Tao slumped in her seat, looking at the chalkboard she had brought in to draw some of her marketing ideas. The ex-Archon had shot down every single one of her ideas, so she was running out of pitches.

"Director, there is no business to be done today. If you rest your mind, perhaps an idea will come to you sooner." Zhongli suggested, taking a sip of the tea he brewed for himself this morning. Unfortunately it was no longer hot, but room temperature. Bleh.

"You're just not applying yourself, Mister Zhongli. Good ideas don't come from lazing about all day."

Zhongli gave her a point for enthusiasm, but when you work at a funeral parlor...Advertising wasn't exactly something that came easy. No mortal truly wants to die. Even if they did; surely they wouldn't be taken in by Hu Tao's direct and not-so subtle approach. Just ask Qiqi about her practices.

The bell on the door chimed, causing both workers to stiffen up, looking presentable for the potential costumer before they saw it was the traveler, Lumine.

"Haha, sorry guys." She chuckled upon noticing their disappointment. "No dead bodies here, just need to ask a favor of Zhongli."

"Yeah! You better do it, because Paimon is extra cranky today!" Paimon huffed, crossing her arms.

"What is it?"

"Well...I got some new makeup from a seller here in Liyue, but I'm not sure what would look best with everything I got...I've already swabbed it on my skin, so don't worry, it's safe." Lumine chuckled sheepishly, fiddling with the small bag at her side.

"You want to test it on me?" Zhongli tilted his head to the side, putting a finger to his lips.

Hu Tao pouted slightly. "Wait, why not me? I'm a girl, wouldn't that make more sense?"

"You're already wearing makeup, silly. I'm sure it's not a big hassle; but I didn't want to ask any other girl to wipe of their own for me to practice..."

A dumb excuse. Lumine just didn't want to hang out with her...

"Hmm, I guess that makes sense. Me and Yanfei could've helped you, though." Hu Tao shrugged. "Well, whatever. I'll leave Zhongli in your capable hands, so I can go out looking for advertising ideas and new clients! Byeee!"

The funeral parlor director waved goodbye, skipping out joyfully. Lumine then looked back at Zhongli.

"So...You never really answered if you were okay with that or not." She folded her hands together with a sweet smile. Paimon mimicked her from behind.

"Yes, I do not mind at all. However, why me our of all men?"

"Hmm let's see...That tone-deaf bard won't sit still even if we paid him in wine, Kaeya and Diluc would make fun of one another, Xiao would walk away without saying anything, and Childe would probably murder us on the spot if we made him do anything 'girly.'" Paimon explained with full sass in her voice.

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