The Assassian's Unexpected Dance

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[ Author Note: OKAY draft time because I am still struggling <3 I'm sorry this is so short this was just kinda like. An idea I had and I'm gay. ]

{ Content Warning: Alcohol, swearing, implied NSFW ending/implied NSFW, Kaeya flirts w Childe for like 2 seconds and is called off by the lord of Geo himself- }


It was a simple task, really. Steal the gnosis of the Anemo Archon. Her majesty entrusted this mission to Childe- not Signora, Scaramouche, or any other Harbinger. So he couldn't fail here. Everything will be okay, and go as planned, he kept telling himself despite his worries. He didn't even know what the Anemo Archon looked like these days, or if he was hiding out here in a human form. "Wherever there's wine, he'll be present." The Tsarista had informed him. He tried to believe that.

What better time to carry out this mission than a party celebrated around Mondstadt in honor of their Archon? The carefree city was done up almost like for a special holiday-with dandelion themed banner decorations, tons of fresh Ceceilia's just picked for this occasion, and of course Mondstadt's famous wine. Childe hoped with all the festivities, and this party being at night that everyone would be too drunk to notice his scheming.

Childe got dressed into a nice, white suit with a red tie and a black button up, with his red earring still dangling from his right side and a golden chain keeping his Hydro chain around his waist like he normally had it. He might as well go all out looking like he was here for a party; but he had to stay alert since he couldn't keep his delusion on him. He was sure to be stopped at some point during the party with his Snezhnayan features, especially with his hair slicked back.

He saw a lot of people entering through Mondstadt's gates, happy and laughing together about this fun event. It seemed the two guards were just letting people in. Maybe this would be easier than expected...

Childe got maybe three steps into Mondstadt before that backfired on him.

"Halt." One of the guards stopped him. "Master Diluc warned us to not let a single member of the Fatui cross paths here tonight."

"Do I look like a member of the Fatui to you?" Childe asked in his best uptight Snezhnayan merchant impression. It didn't take much to make it believable, he's been around those snobs his whole life. He crossed his arms, offended, and let the guards take a good look at him. Taking off his delusion was really helping him here, even though he was highly opposed to it at first. He could and would fight anyone in Mondstadt who tried to stop him.

"My apologies sir. We were just told to be extra pre-cautious tonight." The guard bowed his head.

Childe scoffed, and held his own up high, enjoying the feeling of being above another. He did like to take control, even in battle- but tonight was different. He would steal the show, have everyone's attention, and complete his mission without fail. For someone of his standing, he thought the confidence was deserved. This was no longer the Anemo Archon's night, but his. "I'll make sure the Knights hear about your hostility towards visitors."

The festival was extremely lively; with tons of people present. Flora and a group of children were playing with bubbles near the flower stand while Donna stood above to watch them; but was really watching Diluc converse with the many people asking about drinks. Near him- a bard strummed his lyre, singing an old tune very poorly. He had at least ten empty jugs of wine next to him. Was that really the Anemo Archon? He had heard rumors, but...this was going to be too easy.

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