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[ Author Note: This one-shot is based on the art above! Art credits belong to Samijen I assume, (bottom corner) however I don't know what platform. Let me know if you find the platform, or if they don't allow reposts! I'll remove it pronto :)

Content Warning: Mentioned wine/alcohol, swearing, some suggestive jokes & ending, but honestly just fluff ]


Childe was ecstatic to celebrate two years of being with Zhongli. It didn't feel like it had been that long since the former Geo Archon and him made a 'contract' of their love, binding them together almost like a marriage would, but Childe was determined to never let this love die out. Zhongli deserved to be treated with lots of attention and gifts on such a special day.

Which is exactly why he went all out, buying expensive wine from overseas months in advance, as well as putting in an order for special chocolates and rare flowers. He hoped Zhongli would like it all, and the romantic gesture would not be unnoticed. Today he was all around Liyue's ports, picking up those things he purchased and even looking around for more. Zhongli was never too spoiled in Childe's eyes- just like his siblings.

Meanwhile, Zhongli was pacing around the funeral parlor's entrance nervously. He had no idea what to do. Hu Tao watched from the desk, chuckling slightly at the old man's nervousness.

"What's on your mind? Another tale or mystery of Liyue?"

"No, not today." Zhongli sighed, stopping his walk cycle and staring off into the streets of Liyue. "I have a different dilemma."

"Well don't leave me in suspense, what's wrong, grandpa?" Hu Tao smirked.

Zhongli decided to ignore her previous remarks, and indulge in venting to her, slightly.  "It is the day two years ago that me and Childe made a contract to love each other, and stay together. I believe on this day; couples typical honor their rings by doing some sort of celebration, like gift-giving. Knowing Childe and his money...He's going all out."

Zhongli sighed and opened up his wallet. A solid thirty mora... Not even enough to get a decent meal from the Wanmin restaurant. His job covered basic expenses but him and Childe shared a place, and Zhongli had insisted that his husband did not pay it all himself, so most of his mora went to rent. At the end of the month, he usually lived off small amounts of mora until he got paid again. Believe it or not, he didn't like asking Childe for money. He actually found it quite embarrassing.

"Ooohhhh, so it's your wedding anniversary! I see, I see! Well if that's the case, why don't you get him some cool looking bones? I...Hehehe.... Found some nice ones the other day that you can have!" Hu Tao jumped from her seat, interrupting Zhongli's thoughts.

"Hmmm...." The ex-Archon put a finger to his lips. "I don't think Childe would enjoy that."

"Really? Seriously? Does he freak out about bones or something? What a pussy."

"Do not call him names. I have been nice enough to not question your recent pile of bones, so you could extend the favor." Zhongli replied coldly, trying to keep his composure.

"My bad, my bad." She giggled. "Just teasing. Can't you just ask your sugar daddy for money?"

"This 'sugar daddy' you mention is the exact person I have to buy a gift for. It would not make me look like a good husband if I payed for a gift with his money. At that rate, he should just buy himself something..."

"Hmmm...Tell you what, why don't you look around Liyue for a gift? I'll handle the counter here, so don't you worry yourself about it. If all else fails, just make him something romantic or cheesy! I'm sure he'll accept a good time as a gift~!" Hu Tao snickered.

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