First Date

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[ Content Warning: brief dysphoria mention but other than that, pure fluff featuring dorks in love
Other: Modern AU, genderfluid Zhongli, implied transmasc Childe :D! ]


"Okay. Okay. You got this Childe. You can do it. It's just a date, it's just a date..." He told himself, looking in the mirror. He had gotten dressed pretty casually; just a plain pair of jeans and a black t-shirt with matching baseball cap. Childe hoped that the date was casual, because Zhongli didn't tell him where they were going and he would certainly be embarrassed if he showed up in a full tux or something.

Other than that, he was just nervous in general. He liked Zhongli a lot, so there was almost no room for error on this date. Everything had to be perfect, because Zhongli was absolutely perfect. He stared in his reflection again, nodding to himself.

Knock Knock

Childe nearly fell over onto his long mirror, shattering it all but luckily he placed his hands on either side of it as reflex, and caught it from falling off the wall. Zhongli was here. "Ahaha, just a moment!!"

Outside the door, Zhongli heard something almost fall off the wall, something fall onto the floor, the sound of pans hitting each other, and Childe's muffled protests. Was he...Alright?? He had so many questions.

Childe finally opened the door, seeing his beautifully dressed boyfriend. He had a brown sweater on and a black skirt. Childe just stood there for a moment, making eye contact with the taller man before shutting the door in his face again. Zhongli blinked, very confused. "Childe? Are you alright? Are you sick?"

Childe opened the door again. "Haha, no that was last chapter."


"Nothing, Nothing." He laughed. "Sorry, you just look really um...beautiful!! I got nervous."

"Thank you." Zhongli nodded with a smile, then examined Childe's outfit. "Hmm..."

"I-Is something wrong?"

"Yes. I've decided to take you clothes shopping for our date." Zhongli held up his debit card. "I actually just got paid from work, so consider this my turn to spoil you."

Although Childe should be happy and or flattered that his boyfriend wanted to do something for him, he felt like it was a little backhanded. Was he really dressed that bad in comparison? He couldn't live up to Zhongli's ability to look handsome and adorable at the same time. "Th-That bad, huh?"

"Oh!" Zhongli's cheeks turned a bright shade of pink. "I-I didn't mean for that to sound rude. It's just plain, is all. You don't look bad, I don't think you ever could."

Zhongli embraced Childe with a hug, nuzzling his head in the shorter man's shoulder as apology. Childe shook of his feelings, as a sigh of relief went through him. Plain, huh...? Well, that's better than him calling his outfit stupid or even mediocre. He wasn't really all that into fashion or knew what matched. He didn't really think guys did that... Not that guys can't do that; he was just trying to join in on the average male 'norms.'

"Hehe, it's alright. I was just worried for a moment there," Childe laughed, running a hand through Zhongli's long hair. "But shouldn't I be the one treating you? You should be saving your money for...Well, whatever you want!"

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