Chapter 10

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When they arrived at Toni's house, Toni got out and went over to Cheryl's side of the car. She opened the door for her and Cheryl stepped out. They walked to the door, unlocked it and walked in.

Once they were inside Toni asked, "Do you want some wine and then we'll go to the living room?"

"Yeah sure," Cheryl said.

"Okay you can go there already or wait for me here and i'll come soon," Toni said.

"Actually where's your bathroom?" Cheryl asked.

"It's the second room on the left," Toni said.

Cheryl nodded and went to the bathroom. At the same time Toni was pouring them both a glass of wine. When she was done, she went to the living room where Cheryl wasn't yet and sat down waiting for her.

In the bathroom, Cheryl was fixing her makeup a bit. Soon she finished and went out. When she reached the living room, she saw Toni sitting on the couch with a glass of wine in her hand.

As soon as Toni heard steps, she looked towards the sound and saw her girlfriend. Toni smiled at her and received a smile back. As Cheryl was walking towards the couch to sit next to Toni, Toni reached her arms out with a pout on her face.

"Come here, please," Toni said.

Cheryl sighed and went to Toni. She sat down next to Toni, not sure what she meant. Soon Toni was pulling the girl into her lap, leaving her sitting a little sideways. Toni handed Cheryl her wine and they sat there talking.

"So let's talk more about Violet," Toni said.

Cheryl smiled,"Well I didn't expect to really talk about her tonight but I'm happy to anyways she is 5 years old as you know and the sweetest little girl I know. She just makes me so happy and I don't know what I would do if I didn't have her in my life," Cheryl said.

"I know, she's a big part of your life and you make her happy too. All she talks about in Kindergarten is how amazing her mommy is and I have to say I agree," Toni said and Cheryl smiled.

"But one thing I wanted to ask is what's up with her dad, you can answer only if you want to," Toni said.

Cheryl was lost for words. She knew she was going to tell Toni but not right now.

"Um I'm sorry but i'm not ready. The topic is hard for me and it's not that I don't trust you it's just...ugh I just-" Cheryl said before she was cut off.

Toni cut her off by holding one of her hands and with the other caressing her cheek and said,"Hey it's okay, I understand. You don't have to tell me but just know I'm here for you always and you can tell me anything if you want to."

Cheryl nodded and they just sat there in a comfortable silence with Cheryl laying her head on Toni's shoulder and Toni caressing her back lightly. Soon Cheryl felt her eyes start to close and a little later fell asleep.

Her breathing slowed down so Toni knew she was asleep. She just sat there for some time to make sure Cheryl was deep asleep. When she was sure, she stood up with her girlfriend in her arms and went to her bedroom.

When she got to the room, she laid Cheryl down on the bed and went to get some makeup wipes. As soon as she got them, she took off Cheryl's makeup. When she was done, she took her clothes off and put on her own T-shirt carefully. After she tucked her in bed and went to the bathroom to do her own night time routine.

She took a shower and when she came out, she brushed her teeth and did her skin care. Once she was done, she went into her closet and picked out pajama pants and no shirt. After changing, she went to bed and immediately when she went under the covers, Cheryl turned over and wrapped her arms around Toni. Toni did the same and soon fell asleep cuddled up to her girlfriend.


The next morning...

When Cheryl woke up, she felt strong arms around her. She looked and saw Toni's arms around her and her still sleeping. She smiled and thought about last night.

While Cheryl was thinking, Toni was waking up. When she woke up, she saw the most beautiful sight to wake up to. Her girlfriend.

"Good morning babe," Toni said in her raspy morning voice using the nickname and wrapping her arms around her tighter.

Cheryl blushed at the nickname and looked up and said,"Good morning TT."

"How did you sleep?" Toni asked.

"Good because I was in your arms," Cheryl said as she snuggled closer to her.

"Well that's good but what time do you want to pick Violet up?" Toni asked holding her closer.

"I don't know but what I do know is I need cuddles," Cheryl said and snuggled so close, she almost was on top of her.

"Then we can cuddle but not for too long," Toni said.

Cheryl agreed and they stayed cuddling for about 10-20 minutes.

"Okay we need to get up, it's already 11am," Toni said trying to get up and succeeding.

Cheryl whined and held out her hands. Toni went over to her side of the bed and started kissing all over her face, finally landing a peck on her lips.

Cheryl now smiled and said,"Okay we can get up but first I need a longer kiss."

Toni rolled her eyes playfully and kissed her girl passionately. Cheryl smiled into the kiss and soon Toni pulled away.

"That works?" Toni asked.

"Yes even though I still don't want to get up," Cheryl said still not getting up.

"But do you want to see Violet?" Toni asked knowing that would make her get up.

Immediately Cheryl's head flew up and she nodded.

"Well then get up and let's go get ready," Toni said as she held her hands out.

Cheryl took a hold of her hands and stood up finally. They went to the bathroom and brushed their teeth while Toni had her arms wrapped around her girl.

Soon they finished their skin care and went to choose an outfit.

"Can I wear your shirt and sweats?" Cheryl said looking at Toni with a pout.

"Of course, choose any you like," Toni said.

Cheryl chose her outfit as a white T-shirt with different texts on it and also black sweats. Toni chose out jeans and a black hoodie. When they were changed, they walked downstairs to get breakfast.

Toni looked inside the fridge while Cheryl sat at the counted when Toni said,"We don't really have anything so do you just want to get some breakfast on the way to your parents' house?"

"Yeah sure, that works but what will we do now and then?" Cheryl asked.

"Well right now we can watch some TV for some time and then we can go pick Violet up but after I don't know yet," Toni said.

Cheryl nodded and they started watching TV for a little. Soon it was 1pm and they decided to get going so they took all their belongings and headed out the door to the car. Of course Toni opened the door for Cheryl and closed it after her. When she was in the car herself, she started the car and started the drive to Cheryl's parents' house.

AN: I'm sorry I didn't post for some time and that this is shorter but I am tired so yeah and also there may be some mistakes here. But Tomorrow's one will be longer.

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