Chapter 23

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A few days later...

Today was Wednesday, the day the couple would go to the doctor's appointment to check on the baby. They were both excited to see their little creation of their love and confirm Cheryl's pregnancy.

It was currently 9;30pm and the appointment was at 4:30pm. Cheryl was still sleeping but Toni was awake. She took Violet to Kindergarten and then came back and cuddled with Cheryl again.

She was just laying down and running her fingers through Cheryl's hair and looking at her. But then after 30 minutes or so, she decided to make breakfast for her baby mama.

That was a little more difficult than she thought. And that was because Cheryl was tightly holding onto Toni's waist. But she got out of bed without waking Cheryl up.

Toni walked downstairs and went straight to the kitchen. She decided to make waffles because she has been craving them basically every day. So she decided to make them and to be specific, she was craving chocolate chip waffles.

As soon as she was done with the waffles, she put the plate on a tray and also got some water and put it there as well. She also got her a plate with different fruits, strawberries, blueberries and others.

Once she had everything, she took the tray in hand and walked upstairs carefully and quietly. Soon she got to the door of their bedroom and she opened the door quietly to see Cheryl still sleeping peacefully.

She has been sleeping longer since she found out about her pregnancy and a little before that as well. But Toni lets her sleep because she's carrying her baby. Well they'll confirm it today but they are pretty sure it's true.

She walked to her and set the tray on the nightstand for a little. She caressed her hair softly and kissed her forehead, then her cheeks and just her whole face until Cheryl woke up.

Soon Cheryl woke up with a groan and still had her eyes closed. She was still tired.

"Good morning angel," Toni said smiling.

"Hm...good morning," Cheryl mumbled opening her eyes.

Toni finally kissed her on the lips and Cheryl sleepily kissed her back. Once they pulled away, Cheryl was a little more awake.

"So this is for you," Toni said and handed her the tray.

Cheryl smiled and sat up against the headboard.

"Aww, thank you love," Cheryl said once she had the tray in her lap.

She kissed her once again and this time it lasted longer than earlier. Once they pulled apart, Toni sat next to her and just looked at her smiling.

"Have you eaten anything?" Cheryl asked taking a strawberry and eating it.

"Yeah, I ate after I dropped Vi off," Toni said.

Cheryl nodded but still held a strawberry to Toni. She smiled and ate it and said,"Thank you baby."

Cheryl continued eating while Toni was looking at her and sometimes on her phone. Cheryl felt eyes on her once again so she looked to her side to see Toni looking at her with love in her eyes.

"What's wrong? Is there something on my face or something?" Cheryl asked.

Toni laughed and said,"No baby, I'm just thinking how beautiful you are and how lucky I am to have you."

"My love, I'm lucky to have you in my life but thank you," Cheryl said and pecked her lips.


It was already 4pm and they were driving to the doctor's office. After they ate breakfast, they just cuddled and then got ready.

Soon they arrived at the doctor's. Toni got out and walked to the other side to open Cheryl's door. Once she was out, they walked inside with their hands interlaced.

As soon as they were at the front desk, Cheryl said,"We have an appointment under the name Cheryl Blossom."

The lady looked at her computer and soon found it and said smiling,"Room number 315 and Dr.Williams will soon come."

They said thank you and walked to the room. Once they were in the room, Cheryl sat down on the chair where they would do everything and Toni stood next to her still holding her hand.

Toni felt Cheryl being a little nervous so she picked their hands up and kissed the back of Cheryl's hand.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine," Toni said.

Immediately all of her nerves went away and she smiled at Toni. Their moment was cut short by a man coming in the room.

"Hi, I'm Dr.Williams and i'll be your doctor for the rest of your pregnancy," He said holding his hand out to them both.

Cheryl shook his hand and said,"I'm Cheryl Blossom and this is the baby's other parent, Toni Topaz."

Toni shook his hand. Once they were done with the introduction, the doctor started talking.

"So as I saw in the paper's, this is to confirm the pregnancy and also we will have an ultrasound. We won't be able to hear the little one's heartbeat but we will see him or her. So should we get started?" He explained and then asked.

They both nodded and he said,"So I'll put on the gel to see the baby. But I have to warn you, it'll be a little cold," as he took out the gel after he had put on his gloves.

He put it on her stomach and Cheryl flinched a little but not a lot because she was a little used to it. Once he was done, he took the little machine and put it on her stomach and started moving it around.

Once he found the baby, he said,"And here's your baby, it's about the size of maybe a blueberry."

The parents just looked at the screen where they saw their baby. Toni's eyes started to water and Cheryl's as well.

Toni always wanted to be a mother. She never thought it would be so soon but she's so happy. She's especially happy, she's having this baby with Cheryl, someone who makes her so happy. Their family will grow bigger because Toni already considers Violet as her own blood and that will never change. She will always love her as her own and never any less than her actual own blood.

Cheryl couldn't be anymore excited. She had already been through this process but she was excited again. She was excited to see Violet be a big sister. She already knew she would be an amazing older sister. She was excited to have a baby with Toni. She was excited to see Toni be a amazing mom. She already knew she was one because of how good she is with Violet. She treats her as her own and she loves that.

"It's so tiny but already so beautiful," Toni said with tears rolling down her cheeks.

"He or she is truly beautiful," The doctor said.

Once it had been a little, the doctor asked,"Do you want pictures?"

"Yes of course," Cheryl said smiling.

"Okay I'll go get the pictures and soon be back," He said and left the room.

Toni looked down at Cheryl and said,"He or she is perfect. Thank you for making me a mother to another child because Violet is already like my own."

Cheryl looked up at Toni to see tears rolling down her cheeks. She wiped the tears off her cheeks with the pads of her thumbs and said,"Well making a baby is a team effort but I love you so much. Thank you for loving us all like you do."

"I love you more angel. You guys make me so happy and I can't imagine a life without you guys," Toni said.

They both leaned in and kissed. The kiss lasted for a while but soon pulled back. They smiled at each other and Toni pecked her lips once more.

Soon the doctor gave the pictures to them and explained everything about a pregnancy to them. Once they were done, they got another appointment for July.

They walked out of the place with big smiles on their faces and their hands interlaced. They couldn't wait to hold their baby in their arms.

AN: Sorry I haven't posted in a while but I hope you liked this.

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