Chapter 27

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Months of the pregnancy

4th month:

Today is the doctor's appointment for the 4 month check up and also to know the gender. They decided to get the doctor to put the gender in a envelope which they would give to Veronica and Betty. They already talked with them and they agreed to arrange the gender reveal.

Right now they were waiting in the waiting room to go in. When they heard 'Cheryl Blossom', they walked to the usual doctor's office and walked in.

They went through everything they have before. Checked out the baby, made sure it was healthy and everything else.

At the end the doctor said,"Well I know the gender. Do you want to know?"

"Actually can you write it or something and put it in an envelope?" Toni asked holding Cheryl's hand.

"Yes of course, I'll be right back," The doctor said and left the room.

"TT, we are going to know the gender soon," Cheryl said excited.

"Yes, I'm so excited. We now just have to trust V and B. But would you like the baby to be a boy or a girl?" Toni said.

"I don't care as long as it's healthy but another girl would be adorable but I have a mother's intuition that it's going to be a boy. But what about you?," Cheryl said.

"I also want it to be healthy but I would love a boy to carry on the Topaz name. But I think it's going to be another girl which I would not be mad about," Toni said.

"Well let's see," Cheryl said.

The doctor soon came back in the office and gave them the envelope. They thanked him and said goodbye and left. They went to Veronica's house where Betty also was and gave them the envelope and left.

Time jump, a few days later...

It was the day for the gender reveal. Everyone was told to dress as the color they thought it was gonna be. Blue for boy, pink for girl.

It was held in Toni and Cheryl's backyard and they did it all while they told the family to not come outside.

When they were finished with everything and they went outside, they were amazed. Everything turned out amazing and everyone was there.

There were snacks and guessing places where you place either a 'It's a boy' sticker if you are team boy or a 'It's a girl' sticker if you are team girl on the correct side of the board.

A lot of people were team boy but most of them were team girl. Soon the time arrived where they would find out.

Veronica gathered everyone around the family and made them stand together and made Toni hold a balloon which said 'Boy or Girl?' which had confetti the color of the gender.

At the same time Betty gave everyone a powder cannon and then gave Cheryl and Toni both a needle to pop the balloon with.

"So when we count to 3, Cheryl and Toni you guys pop the balloon and everyone else twist the bottom of the powder cannon to make it come out, everything clear?" Betty explained.

When everyone said yes, Veronica said,"Okay ready, 3...2...1," and everyone did what they were supposed to do.

Everyone started screaming and when Cheryl saw the color, she started crying a little and then turned to Toni who was also crying but smiling.

"My love, you got your baby boy," Cheryl said and cupped Toni's face in her hands and kissed her.

"Yes yes I did, I'm so happy. And also you were right," Toni said.

"Mother's intuition," Cheryl said smirking.

Toni picked Violet up who was a little confused.

"Vi, are you excited? You are getting a baby brother," Cheryl said excitedly.

The opposite of what they thought was gonna happen happened which was that Violet's eyes got watery.

"Hey, what's wrong love?" Toni asked.

"I...I wanted a baby sister. I can't play dolls with him," Violet explained.

"Baby..." Cheryl sighed and took the little girl in her arms who immediately laid her head on her shoulder,"Right now you might be disappointed but when he's here, you are going to be the best big sister to him okay?"

Violet nodded and then lifted her head and said,"I'm gonna be the best big sissy to baby brother," and smiled.

"Yes you are," Toni said.

7th month:

It was getting harder for Cheryl. Her stomach was getting bigger every day and more uncomfortable. Toni would do anything to help her and Violet too.

Toni would massage her feet because they were swollen. When Toni wasn't at home and at work or at the store, Violet helped her and kept her company.

Cheryl was glad to have her family. Even though sometimes she got angry at Toni not Violet just Toni, she still loved her. And Toni knew it was just because of her mood swings.

Right now Cheryl was laying down on her bed and was watching TV. Suddenly Violet came in the room and asked,"Do you and baby brother need anything?"

Cheryl smiled and answered,"No baby, I just need some company so will you come here?"

Violet nodded happily and got on the bed with her and cuddled into her. They watched whatever was on the TV and cuddled.

When Toni came back from the store, she put the bags on the counter and wondered why it was so quiet. She went upstairs to their bedroom and when she opened the door, she saw Cheryl and Violet asleep cuddled into each other.

Toni smiled and took out her phone to take a picture. Once she took it, she washed her hands and laid down next to them causing Cheryl to open her eyes. She woke up easier with this pregnancy.

"Hey babe, go back to sleep," Toni said.

Cheryl closed her eyes with a smile and fell back asleep. Soon Toni also fell asleep and that's how they spent most of their day.

9th month:

It was now the 9th month and the baby could come at any time. They already for a name for him but they hadn't told anyone.

When they thought of names and came across this one, they immediately felt like it would fit him. They were excited to be a family of 4.

Currently Cheryl and Toni were alone at home because Violet was at her grandma's house after she picked her up from kindergarten.

They were laying down on the bed cuddled into each other when Cheryl suddenly felt something drip down from her leg. When she sat up, she saw water and knew her water broke.

She looked at Toni in fear and said,"Toni, he's coming, right now," and stood up.

"Okay stay calm. I'll get you in the car and then I'll come back for the bags," Toni explained and Cheryl agreed.

They carefully walked downstairs with Cheryl holding onto Toni with her life. Toni helped Cheryl in the car and quickly ran upstairs to the baby's room to grab the bags. Once she had them, she ran downstairs, put them in the trunk and started driving to the hospital.

To be continued...

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