how to kidnap a jakey pt 2, a message from Eden

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Where I left off last time:

Jakey was making a strange face and he tried to look Eden directly in the eyes but kept glancing over to something on his desk. Eden stepped out of Jakeys personal space bubble and Jakey opened his mouth to speak.

"Hi I'm Keith Medovia, I'm 21 years old, i live on level one apartment 23 in Rosewood apartments in the shopping district, and i will tell you my tragic backstory if i can have one of your jelly donuts"


"Um, excuse me?" Eden muttered out, confused, assuming he misheard what Jakey had just said.

"I will tell you my tragic back story for a donut?" Jakey says, in a questioning tone, almost as if he was questioning what he said, asking "what's so weird about that?"

'This guy makes no sense' Eden thought, questioning what to do. That is literally the most random thing somebody who has just been kidnapped could say, what do you do in that situation?!

You'd expect them to be scared, angry, shocked. Say things like "please let me go!" "I'll do anything to get out!" Or, "LET ME GO!!!" "I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!!!"

But, yet Jakey just asked him for a donut.

Edens thoughts were cut off by a loud growl coming from jakey's stomach.
He chuckled.

"Sorry about that, I am really hungry" He said so nonchalantly.

"And why should I give you food to get you talk? I'm sure you know who I am Jakey" Eden said slowly pacing around as if he was dancing oh so gracefully to a slow melody, where every second passing brought him closer to pouncing on you. And dragging his sharp claws into your skin.

He had such a smug look on his face, like he was absolutely certain he was in control. That he held the cards in this situation. And to be honest that kinda pissed Jakey off.

"First of all, it's Keith." He said. He then closed his eyes, time slowing to a stop around him. He stood up, his clothes warping and changing, the chain dissapearing as they started turning into what he had worn about four days ago. He was trying to transition back to Jakey then, in clothes that it wouldn't be too strange to see either of them in. Despite it not working and him falling back into Keith.

He was in a tan trench coat with a light blue t-shirt neatly tucked into his long brown pants, but still falling a little loose. He had simple laced boots on that made him a few centimeters taller.

He opened his eyes and began to walk over to a chair in the back corner of Edens office sitting down as he unpaused time again.

"And secondly, me and Jacob inherited our mothers time magic" He said, a 'betcha didn't expect that' snarky tone to his voice as he plopped down on the brown leather chair.

Eden raised an eyebrow looking him up and down. Confused but not overly shocked.

"Outfit change, huh?" Eden continued. Adding a more casual tone to his voice than before.

"Unlike my brother I have some decency, Eden. Let's be honest I smelt like shit." He said, casually letting the swear word Jakey wouldn't dare say out, that Keith would use so frequently.

"And also, no, I don't know who you are. And frankly, I don't care who you are." He said pausing from his speech to look at Eden directly.

"I might care though if you could spare a donut or two?" He said so smugly as he stared up at Eden.

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