the best of the bloops (actor au) (Jakey and everyone centric)

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(Actor au)

(From chapter three)
"So anybody have any ideas on what type of magic it could be?" Ritchie said trying to steer the conversation away from what just happened.

"It could be a type of big bitch magic just like yours RiTchIe" Jakey said as he walked towards the stool he was standing on and proceeded to kick the stool from underneath Ritchie,
Wait.... WHAT?

Ritchie went tumbling to the ground as Jakey Smirked wickedly, he whooped when Ritchie fell to the ground and proceeded to scream out towards the rest of the guild

"See ya later suckers!" And ran out of the building slamming the door behind him.

"Wait that wasn't in the script" Inmo said as he fumbled with his script and started giggling uncontolably.

Ritchie was giggling as well and laughed from his spot on the crash mat on the floor that was placed incase he fell.

"Guys cut the cameras!" Yelled out the producer as she also giggled.

"That's not really the direction Jakey was meant to go in, but i like it anyway" She said as she shooed everyone back into place to restart the scene.

"And action!"

From chapter 2 :)

"Come on Jakey, you are overheating! Please just change into something cooler!" Kay begged. "Your going to get heat stroke if you don't!" Kay walked over to Jakey and attempted to roll his sleeves up.

"Oh shit i didn't think ThAt COulD HappEn" Jakey yelled out

"WELL IT CAN" Kay yelled out in a teasing but irritated way.

"NO SHIT SHIRLOCK!" Jakey yelled out again.

"Is this in the script Dude" Mario whispered to Ritchie.

"It's definately not" whispered back Ritchie.

"Jakey and Kay boss battle when?" The producer's assistant said as he handed the producer her watermellon cordial.


(From chapter 1)

Hi I'm Keith Medovia, I'm 21 years old, i live on level one apartment 23 in Rosewood apartments in the shopping district, and i will tell you my tragic backstory if i can have one of your jelly donuts"

"You good my dude?"


"God damn it guys! Your lucky that was the end of the scene"

Jakey giggled,
"Can i pleeeeease have a donuttt?"


*Jakey takes a camera off a stand and starts vlogging with it*
"Funfact guys Ritchie is EXTREMLY squeemish"

*Ritchie sitting on a stool looking pale* "They're about to put blood on me"

*Jakey with an extremly big grin*
"Were filming the Gmg scene for chapter six"

*Brandon handing Ritchie a bucket in the background*
"Remember its fake blood you'll be totaly fineee"

Vomiting in the background

(Chapter 7)

Jakey took his eyes off the ground braking out of his previous stupour. He locks eyes woth Lo'pho-

"Yo bro you got lettuce in your teeth-"
Lopho said putting on a heavy surfer dude style accent.

"Aw thanks bruh" Jakey responded mimicking the accent lo'pho put on.

Nix started to snicker in the background before joining in,
"Brah that's so cool of you to do that even though your both fighting brah"

More people began to snicker, stopping their walking for a moment to watch the scene unfold.

"Its so cool of you to mention him being cool bruh" Jakey responded, the three looked at eachother with mock admiration in their eyes as they muttered 'bruh', in sync.

"OK CUT!! what was that?!"

"Sorry i couldn't stop myself-" lo'pho said

(From future chapter ;) )

"And i am cl-acxfv" Viper Sputtered, begining to laugh as he broke character.

"You good there dude?" Asked One of the film crew.

"I'm sorry- its just this scene cracks me up-" Viper laughed again.

Viper turned around to giggle at the sight of Kay and Jakey stuck together in every twister players worst nightmare.

"....dont look at us!!" Jakey and Kay yelled simultaneously.

Viper just giggled before getting back into place.

A scene is shown showing Jakey, bryan, Lo'pho and Kay sitting down in chairs getting there makeup fixed up chatting with eachother.

"I can't believe we convinced them to get them to add in the part about bird milk" lo'pho wheezed out-

Bryan chockes on his iced coffee, almost inhaling the straw as he remembers that scene.

Kay laughs "I had to bribe the producer with a whole box of cordial-"

they all laugh hysterically, the makeup crew glaring at them as they attempt to hold the four still.

"Bird milk would taste like whipped cream tho" jakey inserted flinching when his makeup artist not so
'accidentally' pokes his eye with Eyeliner.

This one's been dug out of the archives for your enjoyment (sorry if it's shit, it's old lol)

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