Teenage angst is a perspective (Jakey and Divinus magia oneshot)

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It was supposed to be a good day today, Lucas had planned on it. He was going to train, go swimming, treat himself to a nice hot bath and relax. But ofcourse he had to be disturbed from his calm rest day by a mission.

Lucas sighed as he walked into the guild hall, people were chattering away and only davids yells made sense in the sea of noise.

Ritchie cleared his throat and stood up on a stool.
"You all must be wondering what i called you here for" he exclaimed, his voice rising above all the others as everyone turned to look at him.

"You all know Jakey from the protectors guild right?" Brandon asked as he floated down from his office

David groaned and muttered something about how annoying the protectors guild are.
"Well he was hit by a type of magic and he is now... younger"

"Huh" Lucas said as he held back his oncoming sigh.

"And it's our job to help him as the rest of the protectors is away" Ritchie chimed in finishing the announcement off.

"How young is he exactly?" Lucas questioned.

"About 14, Jakey! Come out here!" Ritchie yelled towards his office, in response there was a groan.

The door handle shuffled a bit then turned and out stepped a moody looking teenager. He had a black long sleeve shhirt with light grey circular stripes going around his arm. He was wearing a My chemical romance t-shirt over the long sleeved shirt, and a pair of brand new looking ripped jeans.

He looked different than what looked like when Lucas had met him, to say the least. He had longer hair that was pulled back into a tiny ponytail, except for some bangs that covered one of his eyes in the stereo typical emo way. And he looked bored.

"Jakey come here and tell us what you remember!" Jakey sighed yet again and time blinked down to the floor with everyone else.

"I was on a quest, i got shot by someones magic, not time magic so dont blame it on me, and now i'm like this" Jakey said raising his voice when talking about time magic as if people would accuse him of it being his own doing. Which was fair enough, David probably would.

"Can i leave?" Jakey said with an annoyed tone as if they'd forced him into doing something stupid.

"No you can sit down incase we need you" Ritchie said as he pointed to a table and motioned for him to sit down on it.

He rolled his eyes at Ritchie and went off and walked further away from the table than he was origonally.

"Or just roll your eyes at me guess.." ritchie muttered angrily.

"So anybody have any ideas on what type of magic it could be?" Ritchie said trying to steer the conversation away from what just happened.

Pov change

Jakey shivered, he was scared.

He woke up only with the knowledge that he had been hit with magic and was now younger? Apparently he was older now he's younger.

He woke up in a strange office with a pair of men who seemed to be twins telling him what to do.

He played along if only for his own safety. He didn't know these guys, they could be dangerous.

The people kept looking at him weird, not like he isn't used to that though. It's just different than how people normally judge him, it's scarier.

They won't take their eyes off him, they're talking like he can't uunderstand them, like he is an animal or something.

He needs to be on high alert without them realising it. He needs to make sure to not raise any suspicion that he doesn't believe what they told him. Because if he does anything, who knows what they'll do to him.

Play along Jakey, play along.

"Jakey can you come here for a second?" A guy with orange-brown hair said camly taking on a calmer tone then the rest if the people in the hall? Room?

He sat up slightly before rolling his eyes and walking towards the guy. It took every bit of his fake confidence to not shake.

He crossed his arms and pretended to be annoyed and stride up to the guy as close as he could muster without giving away his fear.

"What do you want" he said in a faux annoyed tone, it came out quieter than he would of liked.

"Come closer" That sentance set of alarm bells in his head. All he could register was danger. His body betrayed him and stepped a bit closer

"A bit more" he obliged.
"A bit more" he obliged again
"Ok a bit more" when he had stepped forward this time he was within arms reach of the group, his heart was beating faster than it should have been, his hands were sweaty and he kind of wishes he hadn't worn long sleeves.

David grabbed his arm and Jakey pulled away stepping back slightly, taking on a violent stance and scowling at the group.

"Dont. Touch. Me" he growled. His reaction had left the group slightly stunned. Maybe it was the look in his eyes that got them to stop for a second or maybe it was something else about his mannerisms.

His body was tense, ready to attack at a moments notice, his eyes were darting around the room looking at all the exits in the building.
He was terrified, but he doesn't think anyone knows this.

"Umm do you want to go outside?" One of the people suggested.
"To take a breather?"

Jakey turned and walked out to the door being followed by the white haired twin, to supervise him or something. Whenever he walked to close to Jakey he would take on a violent stance like he had just done the moment before.

Once he was out the door he was guided to the side of the building.It was shady and grassy there were no windows for a couple metres on each side of him.

He leant against the wall and sighed making sure to leave at least a few metres between him and the guy, for safety reasons.

"My name is Brandon, and your probably confused about whats going on" the guy said, his voice was calm, like the ginger-brown hair guy. It was better to hear that kind of tone instead of the black haired guys or the blue twins tone.

"You were a part of a big guild in atlantide called the protectors, your second in command actually, but you got reverted back to being fourteen"

Jakey stayed silent trying to look like he didn't care about what was being said. One if his talents was lying, it doesn't matter if it's his manerisms or his words, he is amazing at lieing.

"Im going to get someone else to come and talk to you ok?" He asked like Jakey had a choice about it.

Jakey kinda wanted to run, but from the look of it he was on an island, he wouldn't get far before he would be exhausted if he tried to swim, and he wasn't the best at hiding.

So he guesses he'll have to stay put.


I had to shorten this one cuse its made in a RUSH

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