Time for change (Kay oneshot)

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Not really TW but it kinda talks about abandoment and felling like they are being hated and that they should change themeslves for someone else. Stay safe my friends :] -Sad🦂

It's time for change.

Kay knew this, yet she still dreaded what it meant for her.
Should she really change her whole personality for one guy, who seemed to not want her at all?

Her brain tells her that she shouldn't, Her momma always used to tell her to not change for other people's approval, but her heart tells her she should.

Her heart tells her if she changed she would be happy. HE would be happy. He would love her back, they would cuddle under the stars while cursing at the world! Words with no real meaning would tumble out of their mouths amongst giggles, jokes would be shared, time would be passed, as they embrace eachother. Just basking in the others existence. They would make snarky comments about the ones who hurt them just like he seemed so fond of doing. He would love her...


I mean she needed to change anyway right? Being this optimistic and soft and vulnerable got her nowhere! Nowhere with the fox tribe, nowhere with Viper, nowhere with lopho', god it didn't even get her to A-class! NOWHERE!

Being who she really is has never helped her before, there's always something about her that people hate. Her old family hating her being not a real fox, Divinus magia and all the other guilds hating her personality- The only thing lo'pho didn't ATLEAST have mild distaste about her was her magic!

So maybe she should change- it would be for the better right? If she just- if she just grew up everything would be GREAT! Right?!

The wind blew through the entrance of her den and whistled in her ears. 'It's time for change' she thought. 'It's time to grow up'

And so she did. At least she thinks she did...

She tried to pretend that the world disgusted her and made her feel angry, infuriated even, but it didn't. More or less frustrated, or stuck in a corner, a room without a door maybe. Yes! Visualisation helped- And no windows! the walls made of dirt and ready to crumble onto her in an instant at the slightest touch, just like the walls keeping up her act.

The ceiling would be made of a cold stone brick, dripping water slowly onto her head as time went by, leaving her to perpetually wonder why?
Why does no-one love her like this. Is she that unloveable being herself? Thats how she'd act she felt, like the world was that room and she was stuck watching the cieling drip slowly onto her head, the floor made of dusty gravel, reminding her of the same place she was exiled from, her family standing infront of her disgusted, and shooing her out the fox den.

A shiver went down her spine as she thought about it. She knew that feeling all to well, that pure and utter betrayal, and if she could continue to channel that into anger she wouldnt have to pretend to hate the world.

For a second she was reminded of when lopho killed her pet dog, that rage- it was almost painful- a blinding white rage that hurt to feel.

Kay took a deep breath and walked towards her bedroom and frowned at herself in the mirror. Her shiny brown eyes glared back at her. She needed to channel a third of her anger into digust and let her body language hold her that way, looking like a dog had pissed on.... Lo'Pho!!! Wait no, she hates lo'pho! Yeah That would be funny if anything!

She continued to glare at herself in the mirror, taking the details of her expression and her eyes eventually wandered to her clothes.

Her dainty blue dress was too cutesy, the white frilly puffs on her shoulders and around her soft knecked collar were too soft. Not hasrsh enough, this just wouldnt do. She would have to change. Even better yet, make a whole new outfit entirely, change the colour too, blue was to welcoming.
Maybe red? Nah thays too close to bryans look, maybe like a red-brown shade? Red purple maybe? Or like a purplely-brown-red dress? That could work!

She pulled put some fabrics from a chest of draws and put them next to eachother, luckily she owns pretty much every colour of fabric known to the human race in pretty much every pattern in existence.

She rolled a few of her fabrics back up and threw them back into the chest of draws, keeping the ones she wanted to make the new dress with.

Kay smiled to herself as she got out her sewing machine, maybe its a good thing that she's changing for him, who knows, maybe he's bringing out the real her in the end?


(Sorry this was short ://)

Authours note! : Heyo! Sorry im not publishing many chapters speedily, my friend has been in and out of the hospital recently, and also ive been in lockdown again recently😑
So yknow stress levels have been high! I also am a lil bit of a perfectionist so i try to make my writing at a certain quality even though it means i suffer with quantity! Gods im a lil insufferable in my own head sometimes- Sad🦂

Word count: 764 not including authours note and non story related talking!

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