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Step 1: Apple coat 1 of foundation:liquid. Followed by coat 2 of foundation:powder. Leaving the skin looking smooth and clear. Step 2: Apply a line of eyeliner under her eyes to bring out her natural, sparkling, blue eyes. Step 3: Apply mascara to make her lashes look dark and flirty. Step 4: The last step...apply a fair amount of lipstick to her naturally plump lips. 

This weeks color of lipstick was red...deep red. "How does it look?" She asked, after massaging her lips together.

I took a step back studying my handiwork. She still looked natural, and that's what I was hoping for.

Her blonde hair, already freshly straightened, laid limp around her shoulders and about her neck.

"It's...amazing." I huffed under my breath.

She grinned, revealing her white teeth beyond her red lipstick. "It always is." 

I ignored her complement, and continued to study my work. I did need it to be flawless after all. 

"Oh stop it, Bells!" She giggled, standing from my pink chair. She smoothed out her tight red dress over her legs, and snapped her fingers in front of my face.

I snapped back to reality. "Was I doing it again?" I asked. 

She chuckled. "Just a little." 

I sighed, twirling my red hair around my finger. "I'm sorry." 

She snatched my hand away from my hair, squeezing it in her own. "Don't be!" 

I grinned at her. "You'll do great tonight!" 

She grinned back. "Thanks." 

A bald head peeked inside the wooden door. "Taylor you're on in 5." 

She muttered a 'Alright', and turned back to me. "Well...cross your fingers." 

I held my hand up in front of her, crossing my index finger and my middle finger together.

She laughed, doing the same with hers. "Here I go." 

She pulled me into a brief hug before exiting the way she came. Her matching red heels clicking all the way down the hall.

Well...another day at work finished. I plopped down into the couch nearby, flipping on the stage tv. 

The lights lit up and Taylor walked on as the crowd screamed their lungs out.

It still comes as a surprise to me how long they can do that.

Taylor started singing, and the camera floated towards the crowd. 

Many, many girls screaming and singing. Most of them held signs, or wore shirts.

One sign stood out among the rest to me.  

It was wrote in big red letters: Taylor Swift- You're my inspiration.

I think it caught my eye because of how big it was, or how bright the letters were. 

 I thought it was amazing on how many young girls looked up to her. 

As for me, whenever I see her or hear someone mention Taylor Swift, I think: My best friend. 

But not everyone got to do their best friends make up everyday. 

I was lucky...very lucky.


Taylor sighed, slipping off her high heels and collapsing beside me on the couch. 

"That was tiring..." 

I smiled over at her. "But amazing!" 


She spread her tired feet across my lap, grinning ear to ear. 

"Why're you so happy?" I giggled. 

She bit her lip, turning away from me so I couldn't see her laugh. 

I slid her feet off of me, crawling closer to her on the couch so my face was beside hers.

She turned her face farther from mine, continuing to conceal her laughter. 

"C'mon tell me!" I giggled, tickling her side. 

She burst out laughing, smacking my hands away. "Okay! Okay!" She said between laughs.

I pulled back. "Spill it!" 

She grinned. "I have a surprise for you." 

I perked up like a child on Christmas. What? I can still be excited about surprises. 

"What is it?!" I chirped.

She wiggled her eyebrows at me. "Wouldn't you like to know?" 

"Tell me or I'll tickle it out of you!" I threatened, raising my fingers in the air ready to launch at any moment.

She shielded herself with her arms. "Okay I'll tell you!" She giggled.

"So...remember how you've always wanted to go to England?" 

My heart started thumping with joy. "Yeah?" 

She couldn't contain her smiles. "Well...we got word that a certain boy-band in England is in need of a new makeup artist and..." She paused for effect, making me even more anxious on what she was about to say. It had only been my dream entire life! 

"What, what?!" I yelled, grabbing her arms. 

"We're sending Jewels!"

My heart stopped. "Oh..." I muttered. "Great!" I tried my best to sound happy for her.

Taylor laughed. "I'm just kidding, silly! We're sending you!"

I burst out screaming, jumping off the couch and jumping in the air a few times.

I grabbed Taylor off the couch, throwing my arms around her in a tight hug.

"Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!" I shouted.

She giggled. "You're very welcome! You deserve it."

I'm finally going to make my dream come true! I'm going to England!

"You're going to love the boys!" Taylor chirped in.

My sudden bubble of excitement popped...boys? Oh yeah...I was going to be a boy-bands new makeup artist. I've never been anyone's artist but Taylor before. Hopefully they'd like me.

"What? You'll be fine!" She said.

I nodded. "Course..." 

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