Chapter 13: Can He Fix Things?

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I stomped into the house before Taylor, hearing her voice ring behind me.

"What is so wrong with me saying that?!"

I didn't want to talk to her, or look at her for that matter. It would only make me more upset then I already was. She doesn't even think she did anything wrong. She never does.

"What happened?" Liam asked, now entering the kitchen.

I rolled my eyes at him, and continued to the stairs.

I heard Taylor say, "She didn't like what I said in my interview..."

Liam replied something back, but I didn't catch it. I marched up the stairs, and past the long line of doors, till I reached the guest room.

"I'm tired of this!" I screamed, slamming the door behind me.

I heard more footsteps down the hall, and I'm guessing they were probably wondering what was wrong with me.

"Bella?" I heard Louis's voice ask from behind my door.

I slid all the to the floor, propping my back against the white door.

"Please...leave me alone..." I sobbed. "I shouldn't have come here."

I heard his footsteps walk away and then eventually take the steps down to the first floor.

Taylor would act innocent of course, and play me out as the bad guy. So this was why she wanted me to come in the first place? So she could end up with a guy?

I ran my hands through my red hair, trying to breath normally. I looked over at the dresser as my phone buzzed. I took a moment to think who could possibly be texting me. Finally I slipped off the floor and onto my feet, reaching over for my phone and cradling it in my hand.

I didn't recognize the number but opened the message anyway.

To Bella:

From the looks of that interview, I was guessing you'd be ready to talk. I'm waiting for you at the water fountain, two blocks from the house your staying at. Please come.

From Luke-

I sighed, looking out the window quickly, and then finding nothing better to do, replying:

To Luke:

I'm ready. Be there in a few.

From Bella.

I couldn't believe I was doing this, but there wasn't anybody else to go to at this point.


The air was getting chillier by the minute, and the sky was getting dark. It was getting harder to see, but I made my way to the fountain. There wasn't anybody in sight at the moment, but then I thought maybe he wasn't here yet. I seated myself on the edge, letting my fingers dip into the cool water. Then I heard him. His familiar voice purring softly to my right.

"You came."

I turned to see him leaning across the other side of the fountain towards me. His green eyes seeming bright in the dark. But there was a certain gleam in his eyes that made me slightly nervous.

"I knew you'd come...I know you well enough to sense that interview hurt you. You needed someone, and I'm the only one that was that there. Just like before, right Belle?" He hummed lowly. He inched his way towards me, tracing the fountain with his fingers as he did.

His entire movement scared me, but I held myself in place.

"You're right...the interview did hurt, but that's not why I came here." I replied bluntly.

I could tell by his face that I had caught him by surprise, and he stopped suddenly next to me. "Why did you come then?"

I was glad that this had surprised him, his change in behavior made me more relaxed.

"I came to say, I forgive you."

He snorted. "I didn't apologize...but...thank you."

I nodded slowly. "I knew you wouldn't apologize.."

He smirked at me like this was all a joke, and placed himself beside me on the fountain.

"Your still here, are you not?"

I narrowed my eyes at him, because I couldn't see him very well, and because I was annoyed of him.

"You not even a tiny bit sorry for what you did?" I spat.

He shrugged. "It's the past, isn't it? You just forgave me, why should we bring up the past again?"

I shook my head at the clueless figure to my right. "You're so pathetic!"

"Am I? You're the one bringing up the past, just because you want to feel a little bit better about yourself. And don't deny that. I know you Bella, and I know I hurt you so bad, but I don't need you to tell what I've done wrong, because I already know!"

I wanted to snap back at that. I wanted so much to force him to say he's sorry, and beg for my complete forgiveness, but I didn't. All I did was sit there and stare at my past, as it stared straight back through me.

"You love him don't you?" He spit out suddenly.

"I don't know what you mean..."

"Yes you do. Harry, you love him, and I can tell."

I slid off the fountain beside him, walking a few steps away from him and then turning back towards him.

"I don't know what I feel, Luke. Ever since you left I've felt so...dead, but when I came here and met Harry, I finally felt something again...until Taylor stole everything."

Luke listened intently, and followed my movements before as he came closer. He was now inches away, and it made it hard to breathe.

"It's okay, Belle. I'm here again. You don't have to be alone, you don't have to feel...dead. Just come with me again!"

He reached out a hand, waiting for mine to fall on his like always.

I was tempted to do so, but hesitated. Should I risk getting my heart broken again? Has he really changed? Can he fix things for me? Am I making the right choice?

As these thoughts flew through my mind, my body moved for me. My hand landed in his, and let myself fall into his arms. He held me close like he had before, and everything seemed to drift from there.

Nothing else mattered anymore.

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