✧ chapter twenty three

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what is this spell, baby? please show some mercy ,
melting like an ice cream when you smile, melting, you're a daydream, stay a while ❜ —melting, kali uchis

❛ what is this spell, baby? please show some mercy , melting like an ice cream when you smile, melting, you're a daydream, stay a while ❜ —melting, kali uchis

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IT'S A RARE FORM of mania from how you're dumped into that river, only to regain proper consciousness in the next realm all dry and dressed up. You thought about that as you followed Izumi on the streets of Venice. Passing architectural shops, markets, cafes, and palaces. Rustic, vivid cerulean, and sunrise palettes of the city  plastered everywhere. You hadn't stopped being in a trance until you bumped into the back of Izumi.

"Agh!" You winced at the impact. Izumi turned around to face you, unamused with this mindless silence. "Are you listening to what I'm saying?" He asked with a raised brow. You rubbed the top of your head, delicately. You could only shake your head. You aren't able to process everything so quickly, but all you know is that you're alone with Izumi to go around town. Just the two of them, how exciting.

"Sorry I was entranced by Italy's beauty and...your beauty." You joked on the last bit. You looked off to the side, where you trailed your eyes from shop to shop. Meanwhile, Izumi scoffed to hide his amusement on your unexpected boldness. "of course—" and that excused your reason for not listening to his directions of this town. It was already ideal that they weren't being questioned for being together.

"What's that shop over there?" You point at the pleasing little store by the corner of the street. Vintage-looking, but royally gaudy in shadowy shades.

"Hm?...That's a trinket shop. It's one of the oldest. I'm acquainted with the shopkeeper, if you must know." Izumi answered, prideful, and a joking lilt at the end of his words was delivered. You beam at this. You suspected as much and Izumi's familiarity with the place eased you. "Can we check it out?"

"I suppose you'd get your best souvenirs there." Izumi sighs before he walked on ahead. You think back on the lounge you woke up in. Was your other dad there too? You shake off the thoughts, shivers of that wintry tingles crawling up your spine. You never thought you'd feel those again. At the fright of it, you jog up to Izumi, slowing down when reaching his side.

When the two of you entered the crafts and trinket shop, you feel as if you're welcomed in an antiquated, steampunk realm.

Izumi greets the shopkeeper, respectfully, and in Italian. Him speaking another language almost threw you into a spiral of rapture. When he gestured at you, introducing you as his producer, you quickly said a hello in Italian. There is only so much knowledge on the foreign language that you picked up on. The shopkeeper smiled at you and nodded politely. He looks like he was in his early 60's. A younger, pale clerk stood by the register, organizing a couple of bracelets in a box.

"Everything looks amazing." You gawk at every aisle you walk through. Izumi trailed behind, fingers barely ghosting every artifact he passes. "Does it? Just be careful when you touch—!"

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