It's not like it matters, WSS

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Quick warning that this is a gay head-canon, it's not canon-divergent or anything, just an unrequited gay boy living in a world where he would be spat on even more if he were a little more honest with himself. 

Ayyy another a/n umm I wrote this at 2 am so it feels more like a vague idea of what I'd like to write in the future, the thing is it's hella gay and I'm only good at writing half of the hurt comfort trope, can you guess which one? If not now, then after you read this, also no beta read WE DIE LIKE SHADE BARROW

Hey Wyzek,

You're probably wonderin when I learned to write. I didn't! Anybodys is doing it for me so sorry if the hand writing is girly. Nope, never mind it is terrible. Anyways, I'm gonna let you in on a little secret, now you can't go tellin' nobody or I'll start hauntin ya or somethin. Mind your yourself, I don't want this getting in the way of our memories together, we're just a couple of delinquents hangin out. That's all we were that's all we'll ever be, seeing as when you receive this letter I'm dead. Look, Tony, I don't want this to be weird or anything, try not to take it the wrong way. You've always been my closest friend and you always will be, unless you don't like what I'm about to say. I'm in love with you Tony, I have been for the longest time. I know, we're not supposed to love other men like that but I can't help it. You've always been so, so you, and I love you. I always knew I could never tell you and I was happy as it was being your friend, but sometimes I would wonder if we could be anything more. I'm sorry for being weird but, at least I'm dead so you won't have to worry about my feelings anymore.


- Riff

Sorry this was so short, I tried. I'm sorry, I kinda ship Riff and Tony so when this amazing opportunity came up it's not like I'm gonna pass on it! If you have a better idea for these two, or any characters from anything I've read/watched please do share them with me! I do my best to write any and all requests! And I'm pretty garbage at writing the sappy stuff cause you know, fluff is hard to write. I'm much better at angst. Anyway, have a good when-ever-you-are-reading-this and I'll update soon!

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