We'll work it out

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While the plates were passed around the table towards me, I became violently ill very quick. By the time I had filled my plate up and was smelling what I didn't want for seconds, I had a disgusting taste in my mouth. As I tried holding back, I saw Louis' face turn as he passed a bowl of carrots to me. 

He came close to me and whispered, "just fake an illness and go lay down in my bed." 

"No, I'm fine," I snapped at him. 

"Okay," he said looking quite offended.  


I looked around the table at the girls, Johanna, and a louis' stepdad. They were eating and I couldn't breath. It felt like I was being slowly eaten away at inside. 

Louis looked at me as one of the twins did something cute, "please just go, you don't look good." 

My phone rang loudly in my bag disturbing the dinner. "It's my mom, I need to take this," I lied as I got up ad walked through a hall. It was really just Raquel. I didn't answer it. I ignored the call, kicked off my shoes, picked them up, and ran to the only doorway could find that lead to a balcony overlooking some trees in an alley. I shoved open the sliding glass door. Asking for air. 

I leaned over the railing. Gagging, trying not to get sick on the flowers below me. I was scared that his parents wouldn't like me. And if his sisters didn't like me, that was the end.  

If I jumped off the balcony, it would end it. Nut since I met louis I and a reason to live. A reason not to end it all. 

I coughed and gagged until I had tears rolling down my cheeks. I held onto the railing until I had white knuckles.  

"Juno, are you okay?" 

I turned around, " no, no Louis I'm not okay. I feel like I'm going to die." 

"Do you need to go to the hospital?" 

"No," I sat down against the railing holding up the bar, "I just am lost. I can't live like this anymore."  

"We'll work it out together." 

I just looked at him like he was insane. I was trying to tell him that I was just wanting to be skinny, and he thins that I just want to be able to eat, the exact same thing my sister said.  

"No, I mean I never want to eat. Ever." 

"It's dangerous," he said kneeling down next to me, "you could really hurt yourself. Your skinny. You just don't understand. People would die to have your body. I know that you lied to me when you met me in the closet that night. You just didn't want me touching your waist because you're self-conscious." 

I was silent. Louis sat down next to me and took his sweater off to put over me. It smelled like him. It was comforting.  

"Can I go lay down in your bed now?" I asked still on the edge of tears. 

"Yeah," he stood up and lead me into his old room that was filled with all sorts of things he was still holding onto, "now, I'll be back. You need anything?" 

I was already laying on his bed, I shook my head no. I felt him kiss me lightly on he forehead, as I closed my eyes ad drifted off to sleep for no longer than twenty minutes.  

I felt a body climbing into the bed softly on the side against the wall. The bed was about a twin, and I could feel the sleeves of Louis' sweater brushing up against e as he positioned himself next to me.  

I opened my eyes to the setting sun shining bright into my eyes. I blinked and then sat up, "What's your family doing now?" 

"Getting ready to open gifts. Would you like to make an appearance?" 

"Yeah," I said turning to put my shoes back on.  

"So I'm really confused, do you want to stop getting sick or do you want to go back to eating correctly?" 

"I want to stop throwing up." 

"We'll work on it," he said smiling ad walking around the bed to me.  He helped me up, holding my left hand high and walking me up the hallway and down the stairs. When we got to the bottom of the stairs, he turned around, "get on my back!" 

"I'm wearing a dress." 

"I don't care, get on my back," he said placing his arms around me as I got up on his back. I laughed. He carried me into the room where the family was all sitting on the floor. They all were tearing into packages. Louis put me down and sat down next to a pile of presents.  

"Sorry, Juno," Louis' mom said, "I wish I had known you were coming. I would have gotten you something." 

"Don't worry, I'm fine." 

"I just feel bad about it." 

"Mum, stop. It's fine," the oldest of the girls said. 

"Lottie, that was rude," Louis said jokingly. 

Lottie smiled and went back to looking at her new clothes she had laid on the floor.  

The rest of the night was really nothing special. It was different when Johanna took me up to her room and made my entire day. 

"So why'd you take me up here?" 

"I want to give you something." 

"That's really not-." 

"Just come on." 

She went to the door and shut it behind me, she went over to her dresser to a small jewelry box. She searched for something and then pulled out a silver Cain with a circled pendent at the end. "I want to give you this," she handed it to me.  

I opened it up and looked inside it. There were two little pictures of Louis from when he was little, ad one that looked recent. "Oh, he's so cute!" 

"I figure you'll need it just as much as I needed it wen he first started going away." 

"Like, when he goes away on tour." 

"Yeah, it'll be a while before he has to go away again, but I figure it'll be better to just give this to you now." 

"So why didn't you give this to Hanna, or Eleanor?" 

"You seem different then them." 

"Different as in ugly and fat," I mumbled under my breath to myself. 

"What was that?" 

"Nothing. Thanks for this through, it really means a lot to me." 

"You're welcome!" She said walking over and helping me clasp the fastener t the back of my neck, "beautiful." 

After that I went down to the kitchen to see where the rest of everyone was. Louis and the twins were in the kitchen rolling around on the floor doing something silly. Louis was on his back ad the twins were standing on his legs as he lifted them one at a time on his legs. "Juno, get Daisy! She's running away!"  

I smiled and ran twords the little blonde girl running out of the kitchen, "come here!" I said grabbing her around the waist and swinging her around.  

She laughed as I put her down and fell down next to Louis. He let go of Phoebe, and looked at me and kissed me as he leaned over to hold my had.  

After being at his parents' house for about six hours, we went back to his flat. Before we entered, louis stopped me, "now before we go in, if there is sex going on in there, I just want to clear up that I told Harry we were coming back, so it's not my fault." 

"I'm going to close my eyes, you can lead me in," I said as he opened the dor and took my hands. There was no sound except for the door slamming behind me, I jumped. 

"It's okay, I've got you," he whispered in my ear. 

I followed Louis' lead blindly as we walked on the hardwood flooring, "where are we going?" 

"You'll see it when we get there."  

I trusted Louis to take me wehre here we were going. 

"Open your eyes." 

"Louis! Where are we?"

Dinner in London (a Louis Tomlinson romance)Where stories live. Discover now