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December 23, London

As much as I wanted to see Louis, I couldn't. He was in a hurry that day before he left Starbucks, i could tell, and it would've been awkward to ask for his number them.


"Yes," she said as she walking into my room finding me in the windowsill doing something on my laptop.

"Do you have louis' number?"

"Yep," she stood still in my doorway.

"May i have Louis' number?"

"I told them i wouldn't give it out no matter what happened."

I sighed and closed the lid on my laptop, "this is an emergency, now give it to me."

"Just call him off my phone, they never said i couldn't do that."

She threw me her phone.

I scrolled through her contacts list, finding all of the boys and Louis.

I hit the dial button and mouthed the words "thank you" to Jaymee as she walked out of the room and closed the door behind her.

I put the phone on speaker as i transferred all their numbers from Jaymee's phone, to mine. Then the ringer stopped.


I melted a little from hearing his sweet voice again, "hey Louis, it's Juno."

"Oh, I was wondering why Jaymee was calling me. What's up?"

I wasn't really sure where to go from there. I just wanted to talk. "Are you busy?"

"At the moment, yes, but I won't be tonight. Would you like to go on a date? With me? Tonight? Out in London?"

"Yeah, what do you wanna do?" Please don't say dinner, please don't say dinner!

"How about dinner and a movie?"


"Good, I'll pick you up at six. Wear something nice. I have to go! Bye!"


"I'm screwed to the world. I'm gonna die."

I felt some barf crawling up my throat just thinking about the dinner tonight. I thought I was never going to make it.

So to skip forward to six o'clock that night, I was in one of Jaymee's gorgeous black sweater dresses, black tights, red heels, and my own personal touch, my short red hooded cape that I never got the excuse to wear. I was waiting at the door with my black bag on my shoulder when the clock in the living room ran to six.

The doorbell rang within two minutes, I walked over and unlocked the door to turn the knob. The was Louis, wearing a nice pair of dark blue jeans, a nice jacket and a striped shirt underneath. "Wow, you look really beautiful."

"Thanks," I said walking out and locking the door behind me. We walked down the steps and I followed Louis to his car.

I tried to pretend I didn't know he drove a Porsche, "whoa, this is your car?"

"Yeah. I love it," he said opening the door to the unfamiliar passenger side of the small, silver car.

After he had climbed into the driver's seat and began to drive I asked him, "so, where are we going?"

"My favorite restraint, The Paradise. It's really nice and I really think you'll like it. Have you been to a pub yet?"

"No," I said back awaiting another night of alcohol. I was feeling sick to my stomachs already. I had a bad feeling that the night was going to turn out. Nightmare.

We arrived at the restaurant and I walked in front of Louis. He walked behind me for a minute ad I felt him put my hood up and then giggle at me playfully.

"What was tat for?"

"I thought it'd be funny!"

"Come here!" I said running after him on the sidewalk as he ran away from me.

"You'll have to catch me first!"

I ran after him and kicked my shoes off as I ran. I hate them. I just wanted to wear my boots, but Jaymee said they wouldn't match. I didn't see why they wouldn't. They go with everything.

I ran after Louis as fast as I could, finally catching up with him at the end of the sidewalk. I caught his hands and he spun me around. I was looking at him, almost in a daze. His smile seemed to make me blush every time it came to his face.

"You're blushing," Louis smoothly touched my face, starting at the forbad, running it down to my cheek, and dropping off my chin. He moved his hands down to my waist. I tried not to pull away, but in the back of my mind all I could think about was how fat he must think I am.

"Oh..." I lost my words and all I could do was stand there.

"Would you like to go inside for dinner now?"

I nodded.

"Wait," he looked down at my tight covered feet and chuckled, "where are your shoes?"

"Somewhere on the sidewalk down there."

"Come on," he said sweeping me up into his arms and taking me back over te concrete to where I had left my shoes. He set me down lightly and I sliped the torture devicesback on my feet.

We walked into the restraint and Louis went up to the hostess station, "reservation fr two, Tomlinson," he whispered leaning closer the old woman.

"Right this way please," the lady said as she grabbed two menus and led us to our table. It was a long trek through the entire dining area and down several long hallways.

"Louis, I'm not sure we're even in the restraint anymore."

"No, we are. We're having private dining."

Finally we reached a small room. It was full with a table for two, a small teacart in the corner and another small table on the back wall with a bottle of wine and two glasses. I guess when you're Louis Tomlinson, you get whatever you want.

The hostess sat the menus down at the table in front of the chairs and eft the room, leading Louis and I all alone.

My stomach was churning. I thought I was going to throw up, but I sat down at the table anyway. "What's good here?" I asked Louis as I opened the menu.


I glanced over the menu and found myself in an entire bowl, mixed up with calories. There was no escape at this restraint. When I went to dinner with my family, I would just tell them that I wanted salad. There was mo salad here. I watched the pictures on the menu haunt me. I felt the vomit in my throat and I got dizzy. "Louis, I'm going to go get some air."

"Are you okay?" He said standing up.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'll be right back," I said backing into a door leading to the back of the building.

I ran out and met a bench about halfway down the narrow alley between two buildings. I sat down and tried to calm down, but nothing worked. I fell off the bench, and threw up on the wall. It was all over the alleyway. I was sure that Louis was going to come out and see me acting in the cold cobblestones. But I didn't want to move. I couldn't move.

Dinner in London (a Louis Tomlinson romance)Where stories live. Discover now