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The hosts came and it was two twins, one with a white short hair and the other one with a black short hair. They had the same clothing and everything✨. The twins explained on how they will pass the final section exam, they just meed to survive for one week. The other amateur people was shocked while tanjiro remained calmed. And then that's where the final section begins.

(After 1 week of surviving👍)

The door(or whatever it was called)opened and guess what only tanjiro went out, the other amateur people were killed or had got eaten by the demons. The twins has came and was surprised, but didnt show any emotion. Tanjiro survived without any weapon💪

"For the person who survived, please come up and pick any ore that you would like."

Said by the white haired child , tanjiro went up and choosed carefully of what ore he was gonna pick. He then picked an ore that he felt is like attached to him.

"Um i pick this one"

He said while holding the ore,

"Please put the ore infront of you and the swordsmith will deliver it to your home after 15 days, there will be a crow that is gonna follow you and tell you about your mission, you can now go back goodbye."

"Goodbye! And take care!"

Tanjiro said as he waved goodbye to the twins, the black haired child picked up the ore and the white haired one sent a letter to kagaya. Then both of them headed back.

Tanjiro was walking back at the little house that was abandoned. He immediatley fixed some things and cleaned the house because it was musty crusty dusty asf. Now he just need to wait for days till the person who had forged his blade arrives. He wrote a letter for muzan to let him know that he is now part of the demon slayer corps. He waited for the sun to set to find a random demon and give the letter to muzan.
The sun has finally set and tanjiro has now went out to find a demon, after looking around he finally found a demon, the demon was eating a human. Tanjiro was disgusted at the sight be he remembered the letter.

"Oi demon."

"oh? Another human for me to feast on?!"

The demon was about to attack tanjiro when he caught the demons neck. The demon was shocked and was clawing on tanjiros arm, his grip on his neck was getting tighter and tightier that a mere human could die easily, but since he was a demon a person with a blade can only cut a demons head, not a hand. But tanjiro is more powerful than him that he could slay demons with his bare hands.(💅💅)

"You dare to attack me you weak demon?"


The demon said and he scratched tanjiros face, but it healed in an instant.


"Actually..im..an uppermoon. Uppermoon 0."

The demon was terrified hearing the word 'uppermoon', oh hell he just messed with an uppermoon.

"I-im sorry for shouting at you and s-scratching your face uppermoon 0..! Please spare me!.."


Tanjiro dropped the demon held its neck.

"I will spare you if you do me a favor."

"I'll do anything.!"

Tanjiro took out the letter and the demon was giving off a confused scent

"please give this to muzan-sama tell him that tanjiro wrote this for him, but if you encounter an another uppermoon, just give it to them and say that it was from me and is needed to be delivered to muzan-sama!"

Tanjiro handed the letter and the demon took it and was going at the infinity castle.

'Ugh. I should just follow him incase a stronger slayer appears.'

Tanjiro hid his aura and was following the demon, making sure that the letter delivers safely. After some time, the demon finally reached the front of the infinity fortress, he called nakime and the door opened, the demon jumped in and the door quickly dissapeared.

'welp, i hope he survives the uppermoons'

Tanjiro went back at the house where he was staying and waited for his blade.

(With the demon)

He was finding muzan when a strung of a biwa rang and he was now kneeling infront of the demon king.

"M-muzan-sama..! Tanjiro-sama has sent you a letter.."

The demon handed the letter to muzan and he took it from the demon.

"You can now go, wish you goodluck to survive them."

The demon was terrified at what the demon king has said, what does he mean though?
Then he suddenly felt 3 strong auras behind him. It was the three rank uppermoons. Oh well, just hope he survives.

"oh?~ you're the one who tried to attack tanjiro-sama right? You shall die then!"

"Do that somewhere else, not infront of me."

"Hai muzan-sama! Lets take him to my manor, and make him try to survive us!~"

"For this once i need to agree with this rainbow eyed freak."

"alright. Lets go."

Akaza gripped on the demons hair and then the three uppermoond dissapeared.

'Ugh. Those protective roaches..'

(Well the two are the simps and the one is like tanjiro's big brother, y'know that you fockin hee hee man.)

'wtf who the hell are you'

(shut the fck up, im Mae just call me ian for short. Oh and forget you know me)

'Im the demon king, i dont listen to mere humans.'

(im literally talking with you through your mind fockin old man.)

. . .

(that's what i thought.)

(Anyways! Back at the story! ^^)

Tanjiro was now back at the house where he was currently staying, since it was already midnight and have nothing to do he decided to just sleep.

(Timeskip, it is now day 13 😁)

'hmm.. I should probably hunt some animals for food, the person still haven't arrived though..'

Tanjiro thought and went out to hunt some animals for him to eat, he found two deers and immediatley ate them, he remembered that he also need to offer the person since its his first guest at his own living. He then found some cows and killed them.(are there even cows existing at that time?-)

He also found some ingredients to make some tea (we love tea here brotha✨)

He went back at the house, cleaned the cows meat so it can be eaten properly by humans, and also prepared the ingredients.

Now he just gotta wait for the person to arrive.

Aight done👍✨
Next chapter is the arrival✨✨✨

Goodbye wh*res luv yall!💖💖

1142 words

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