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"Okay, I think we should take a step back and calm down." The one with gray tinted hair said as he stepped next to Yeonjun and placed a hand on his shoulder.

I keep glaring up at the dark haired man as he let's his friend pull him a few steps back, I only break eye contact when the blonde cuts into my line of sight.

"It's okay, Yeonjun is just a little high strung today." He said as he went to rest a hand on my shoulder. 


As soon as Huening Kai's hand landed on Evelyn's shoulder, the girls body goes rigid.

"Crap, Huening, step back!" Soobin said as he got up from the couch. 

The blonde mans eyes widen as he watches the girls eyes shift from their normal blue color to one of a demons. The whites of her eyes turn black as her irises turn a deep crimson red. 

"Oh..." The younger of the group said as he went to take a step back, but he was stopped as the girls hand shot out and grabbed him by the throat. 

If it wasn't for the fact that her eyes looked so demonic, he would laugh. The height difference was big between the two, making her look a little funny trying to choke him, but now was not a time for laughing.

"Let him go." Yeonjun cut in and grabbed the girls wrist. 

Evelyn's eyes turned to meet Yeonjun's as her lips twisted into a creepy smile that did not match her features. 

"No." Even her voice sounded different, it had more of a rasp to it then before. 

Yeonjun rolled his eyes before he applied more pressure to the girls wrist gaining a hiss of pain from her as she let the angel go. Now that Huening was free he stepped back and rubbed at his slightly pink throat, he wasn't worried that the girl would hurt him, it was hard to hurt an angel physically, he just didn't want his friends to worry and hurt the girl who wasn't in her right mind. 

"Taehyun, come hold her still." 

Before his gray haired friend could step forward and do as he was asked the girl grabbed onto Yeonjun's hand that was still holding her wrist and twisted it, managing to break his hold for a second, but the girl had no real experience with fighting, Yeonjun on the other hand has had many years to study fighting. 

As soon as he felt his grip loosen from the girls wrist he grabbed her by the shoulder and spun her around, grabbing up her wrist and then holding them out for Taehyun to hold. 

Now that the girl was secure, Yeonjun stepped infront of her. "Hold her tight, I need to try and find out what demons powers she has absorbed."

Taehyun nodded and made sure the girls wrist were secure in his hold. Yeonjun reached his hands out and placed them on each side of her face and then closed his eyes.

The girl started to squirm as she fought against him trying to gain access into her mind, he needed to dig in and fine where the demons powers were hiding inside of her mind. The demon side of her didn't want to be found, it knew that if he found it's powers it would know its weaknesses as well. But, Yeonjun had an idea of who the demon was already and if he was correct, they shouldn't be to strong. 

The demon that had controlled the people that killed her was a low ranking one, he had killed them all and wiped any trace of the demon away as if it was childs play, but the way the girl was resisting him made him a little confused. Maybe she had just gained more fragments of the demons power then he had originally anticipated, making it a bit more of a pain to break into her mind. He felt as the girl started to thrash around making him more annoyed then before, but he knew he had to keep his cool or his friends would be mad with him if he hurt the girl in some way.

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