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"I can't just say yes to giving up my mortal life because we're bound by the soul! You can't just dump this on me and expect me to fall at your feet Yeonjun. This is my life and my choice."

How quickly his mood changed when I told him I wasn't sure about becoming immortal like him, that was no light choice to make.

"You can't just give up after everything we have all been through. You have given up so much, you're going to let that all be in vain? Why, what are you scared of? What is there to worry about if you were immortal? Have powers of your own-"

"Yeonjun, stop!" I push him away as I feel myself growing pissed. "You have known about this bond, I have not. I can't just let everything go that I wanted, just because you have feelings for me. This isn't just about your feelings, it's about my life."

"Evelyn, just think about it. About every one you will be leaving behind... about the fact your soul will be lost in limbo. I can't just sit here and let you do that to yourself."

"You will sit there and do nothing. If you even try to change my mind or do something behind my back, I will hate you." I turn and head for the door, making sure to slam it as I leave.

I had no idea who he thought he was. Dump all of that on me and act as if I was supposed to just fall madly in love right after? That was not how the world worked. I was not going to change my mind for a man, one that has hardly even acted as if he cared if I did live or not. This bond was really messing him up...

I needed to ask someone for more information on this whole bonding thing.

"Huening Kai!" I yell from the living room.

"Yeah..?" He sticks his head around the corner looking a little concerned.

"Can we talk?"

"Yeah," He replied as he fully came into the room. "You okay?"

I shake my head as I think over everything Yeonjun had just piled on me. "I don't know."

He grabs my hand and pulls me towards my room. "Let's talk about it." He said with a soft smile.

I take a heavy seat on my bed and let out a long sigh as my shoulders sag a little. "What all goes into the bond? Are there rules, drawbacks, or side effects?"

This time he lets out a heavy sigh. "I'm not sure what all changes in the soul bonding when an angel falls from heaven. I do know how it works for angels. But, both of those who are bonding, are both angels. Humans can not bond with an angel, so I know that is different." He takes a moment to gather his thoughts as he thinks over what all he knows.

"For a soul bonding between two angels, they are agreeing to stay side by side until one of them dies, which is rare. They are agreeing to be together forever, pretty much. For angels, after they complete the soul bonding, being away from one another is uncomfortable, their souls call for one another... that's probably why your soul self went to hell..."

I snap my head up as it clicks, that was why I was there? Because our souls were calling to one another?

"But, I don't really feel connected to him..."

"Not even in the slightest way? Do you look for him in a room? Do you notice when he's around and not?"

I turn away from him, I had done that plenty of times. When he would not come to eat with us, I would always notice. Every time I enter a room my eyes look for him without me even thinking about it...

"Anyways. Angels don't feel love like humans, that's another big thing I'm not sure if it's the same. Angels are connected in a spiritual level, humans have more romantic, touchy-feely, connections. Fallen angles, they usually don't have love in any way outside of maybe friends. I still wonder if Yeonjun loves us." He finished with a laugh. "In the end, you two are connected, as for what all comes with it... I'm not sure. Yeonjun would know any side effects because he knows what it would feel like. You may have felt something through the connection and not realized it because of Rerek."

I run my hands down my face as I realize I really didn't have any more information than a few minutes ago.

"Yeonjun thinks I should take Andromalius' deal and join you guys... I don't know if I can. I had already decided not to." I look up to see how he would react.

He looks over at me, a comforting smile on his face. "I would hate to see you go, but it is your life. You have to make this decision on your own and make sure this is what you want fully, no ounce of doubt in your mind."

"Thank you." I try and offer him a smile as well, though mine was not as bright as his. "I feel as if I cause a lot of trouble like it follows me. What if me joining you all makes something bad happen, what if I cause one of you to die?"

"Evelyn, it's really hard to kill us. Most of us won't really die either, Taehyun and Beomgyu are the only ones that can really die."

"That doesn't make me feel better." I reply with a humorless laugh.

"I know, I'm just saying. I know all of us like having you around. We don't mind going through a little trouble for a friend, we've all had our moments of trouble following us around."

"I need time to really think it over."

He gives me a pat on the head, his smile still as bright as always. "Of course, take all the time you need."

Broken • Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now