Training Pt 2

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"Close your eyes." He said as I just stayed frozen, staring at him.

I take a deep breath and close my eyes tight.

"Remember, I will pull the power out, you have to keep it going."

"Yeah, yeah." Just start! I wanted to get this done and over with.

I bite my lip as I could feel the tug in my chest. It felt like someone was pulling sandpaper around my insides as he brought his hands apart.

"I'll let go on the count of three... One... Two... Three."

I bite down on my lip harder as I feel the power wanting to snap back from where he had pulled it from.

"Good, keep it there."

He was talking, but I was not really understanding what he was saying. It was taking everything in me to keep the power in place.

I gasp and stumble back as I feel a slight push to my forehead. "What the hell?" I snap at Yeonjun as I gather myself.

"You weren't breathing, idiot." He replied with a roll of his eyes.

"I was trying to focus." I wipe at my forehead as I feel a little bit of sweat rolling down from my hairline.

"You can't focus if you faint." He steps over to me once more, waving his hands. "Let's go again, this time, breath."

I don't say anything as I get back into place, spreading my legs, and bringing my arms up.

"I'm going to pull it out a bit further, try and help me get it going."

I nod and then close my eyes. The same feeling came from my gut, where his hands were. This time I make sure I keep breathing as I try and grab at the power he was slowly pulling out. The feeling of something rough being moved around in me did not help motivate me to keep going.

"You're getting it." Yeonjun said as if he knew I was ready to stop. "Now, pull it up and out your arms."

I take a breath before I give a strong mental tug, I ignore the pain following along with the power.

"Is it supposed to hurt?" I gasp out as I drop the power, it snapping back into place again.

"A little, you probably never noticed it thanks to the fact you were about to die. Adrenaline is good at covering pain."

"Let's go." I say this time, I was dead set on getting somewhere today now. All thoughts of leaving Yeonjun in this room were gone, now replaced with the need to conquer this task.

He offers a small smile as we get back into place. "Just like the last time."


"I think you did well."

My head snaps up so I could look at Yeonjun from my place on the floor. "Really?" It was still so odd hearing him offer me praise for something.

"Don't get a big head." He snapped as he threw a fresh water bottle at me.

"Me? Never." I say with a grin after I had caught the bottle.

He looked as if he was about to reply when his phone started going off. I turn away and drink half the bottle of water as I let him deal with his call.

"Everything okay?" I ask as he rubs at his face and shoves his phone into his pocket.

"It was Soobin, just him letting me know about a demon that got away from the newbie."

I let out a small laugh. "I would have thought all angels were good at hunting demons."

"No, Huening Kai is one of the few that are really trained for hunting demons in the human world."

"What do you mean 'the human world'? Where else do demons need to be hunted?"

"There are other places spirits can go, as well as demons and angels. Demons just prefer the human realm because it's easier to grab a spirit before it leaves its human body.

I hum as I get up off the ground, assuming training was done with now. "So, do you have to go help them find it now?"

"No, Soobin said they would be out later, looking for it. He was wanting to let me know so we don't cook dinner for them, they plan on getting takeout."

Well, looks like I get even more time with him alone.... great.

"We'll have takeout too. Pizza?" He looked at me and raised a brow.

I shrug. "Sounds good to me. I'm going to clean up." I cut him off as we make it to the door, rushing to get to the dorm first.

"Why are you rushing? There are two bathrooms." Yeonjun called out as I kept a few paces ahead of him.

I slow down in shame as I realize he was right, the others would be out late, we could both take however long we wanted because we didn't have to wait on anyone.

"You're such an idiot." He commented as he fell into step next to me.

"Shut up." I say as I push his shoulder, making him stumble to the side a little.

He lets out a small laugh as he shakes his head and keeps walking.

I bite my lip and look away, I didn't know what to think of this warm feeling I had from hearing him laugh. All day I had been pushing the feeling of the bond between us to the side, more worried about working with my powers. Now, there was nothing to keep my mind on.

"I know the struggle you're feeling..." He said out of nowhere.

I turn to look at him, did he really feel exactly as I felt? Did he have the urge to reach out and just hold my hand, or touch me in any way to satisfy this annoying pull?

"I haven't acted on anything, I'm trying to give you time to go at the pace you want to. I don't want to push anything else on you."

I had to give that to him, at least he was trying to let me decide on how I wanted to go about things.

"I... I hate it, if I'm being honest." I felt bad as I saw his shoulders drop a little. "I hate it, because... from the start I thought you hated me, I tried to convince myself to not care about you being around because you ate at me. You made me feel so bad about everything... and even though I had tried to make myself dislike you, I still don't want to risk losing you."

"That means, you do care about me. Even a little?" He sounded slightly hopeful.

"Yes, Yeonjun. A part of me has cared for you for a bit... now, with this pull, that part is growing the longer I'm around you. Meaning, the thought of losing you hurts me even more, makes me worry, a whole lot more."

He grabs my shoulder and stops me as we step into the elevator. "Think of how I feel then. I have to live with the fact you don't even want to live anymore. You want to give up and not become immortal... I know for a fact I will lose you. Imagine how I feel... every night, those damn thoughts run through my mind. I see you leaving me, every night as I try and sleep."

I blink as I think about what he said... every time I thought about losing one of them, especially him. I felt a tug at my heart. I didn't want to think of how he felt, knowing I was just going to give up and walk away from all of this. Leave them all behind because I didn't want to face the unknown of their world anymore.

I pull away and turn my back to him. I didn't want him to see the pain I was feeling, the doubt of my choice to not become immortal. 

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