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I sigh as I realize how heavy the bags full of food really were.

I bid the cashier a good day before I lug all the bags up and head for the door, using my shoulder to push it open. I didn't think all of the stuff we needed would end up being so heavy, made me kind of regret not having someone come with me.

Though the alone time was great, so I would deal with the ache in my arms.

I let my eyes scan the people I pass, wondering how many of them were really human. The amount of demons around here has gone down, but they weren't gone.

I stop as I feel a shiver run down my back, I had the feeling that someone was watching me. I turn and scan everyone that I could see, but no one was watching me...

I really am going crazy. I was too scared to even go out alone.

I shake my head and keep heading back to the dorm, I didn't have time to act paranoid my arms were slowly being pulled from their sockets.

Another few blocks and I pause again, this time to adjust the bags.

"Holy shit." I breathe out as I stand straight while the bags sat on a bench. "Never again."

I shake my arms out before I bend down and go to get them again, but just as I get half of them, the other half gets snatched up.

"Hey!" I snatch my head up and freeze as I realize it wasn't someone coming to steal them. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"Helping, you clearly need it." Yeonun said as he started to walk away.

I quickly adjust the bags and follow after him. "I don't need help, especially from you." I tighten my grip on the bags as I felt the urge to kick him in the back of the knee.

"Really? Then why were you hunched over like you were dying?"

"I was just taking a moment to rest, I got this far on my own!" I stomp in front of him and stop. "Why the hell are you really here? Can't I go out on my own?"

"No, you can't. Every time you have been away from the dorm, something has happened to you." He replied before pushing past me.

"Oh, so you're back to acting like you care about me? Pick a fucking side Yeonjun!" I yell the last half, I was done playing his game of flip flop.

He says nothing as we make it to the dorm. As we went in the elevator I kept a hard glare on him.

"Nothing to say? Can't decide for yourself if you really care or not? Is it all an act? Do I have something you want?" Again he said nothing and just stood there looking at the wall, as if I wasn't even here.

I drop the bags and step over to him, putting my finger to his chest. "Admit it, you don't really care. You're just trying to play with me like you always have." I push him a little as he still doesn't even look at me.

"Damnit Yeonjun, just admit it!" This time I push him hard enough that he stumbles back into the wall behind him. "You don't care, none of you really do. That's what I want to hear, I don't want anyone to care about me, I'm dying! I won't be here in a few months, so all of you stop acting like you care."

He drops the bags as he finally looks at me. "You really think all of us are acting like we care?" He takes a few steps and this time pushes me back into the wall, placing his hands on the wall by my shoulders. "We really do care about you. Just because you don't want to accept the fact that you have people that care, doesn't mean we're lying. Quit acting like a child and open your damn eyes, Evelyn."

"They may really care, but you surely don't. At least they know how to actually make me feel cared for. You, you just like playing games, you always have. From day one you have fucked with my head, you have played with my mind. You can't stand me and I know it. I can accept the fact that they may really care for me, but I will never accept the fact that you do." I try and push him away as I feel tears start to build up, I was not going to cry.

"You think I have played with your mind? You have played with mine since the day you came back. You may not have been doing it intentionally, but you have. You have been fucking me up for months, and you didn't even know you were doing it. So yes, I wanted you gone. I didn't want you around for me to actually grow to like. When we were told you were dying, I thought that was great, I admit that. My headache would be gone and no one would ever have to know about it, but you just can't seem to die." He let out a stressed sounding laugh while shaking his head.

"Stop," I say as I again try and push him away. "I don't want to hear anymore."

"No, I'm done with this back and forth between us, I will tell you why I have been acting the way I have."

The door to the elevator opens, causing him to finally back away. I stay put as he picks up the bags and heads out the door. I gather myself and grab the ones I had dropped, following after him.

By the time I make it to the kitchen, Soobin was already integrating Yeonjun.

"What does Soren know that we don't?"

My eyes go from Soobin to the half demon who sat at the table smirking like he had just ratted on a sibling.

Broken • Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now