Not me

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My eyes kept shifting back and forth as we walk down the street towards my apartment building, my anxiety was very high for some reason, I felt like if someone jumped at me, I would probably faint.

I was worried that the demon in me would come out and attack any of these innocent people and I wouldn't remember a second of it. I think that's what scared me the most was that I couldn't remember anything that happened when I blacked out, what if I killed someone? I would be a wanted person even though I wouldn't remember committing the crime.

"Would you calm down?"

My head snaps to the side as a voice cut through my panicked thoughts, at a good time too, I was about to go into a anxity attack.

"Sorry." I say out of habit.

"Leave her alone." Huening Kai said a few feet behind me.

These two were my company to my apartment to grab the things I would need for my stay at their place until we could figure out what to do with my little situation.

I had a feeling that they knew something they weren't telling me because the way that Soobin and Huening Kai had acted when they came back to the dorm a few hours ago, but I didn't have the balls to confront them about it, not yet anyways.

"This one." I said as we make it outside my building.

Making our way through the lobby we got a few odd looks from a few of my neighbors who were getting their mail. I guess it would look a little out of place, a scared women with two men that they had never seen her with, not anything suspicious at all.

I force a smile on my face and fix my posture to try and come off less timid and scared looking. Definitely don't need someone calling the cops because they think these two men were doing something shady.

Finally in my apartment I have them wait in the living room while I go pack. Grabbing clothes and refolding them before I place them in a suitcase I had pulled from deep in my closet.

I take a few breaths to try and calm myself as my hands start to shake, I felt like I was leaving and never coming back, as if I was packing and walking straight to my death... maybe I was. Maybe this would be the last time I walk into the place I call home. Life for now as I know it was over, I couldn't just walk down the street and do as I pleased thanks to the fact I had died and came back.

I pause as I was placing my bathroom things into the suitcase, I felt a wave of anger wash over me and it was directed towards the dark haired man in my living room.

"No." I breath out, I place my things in the bag and zip it up. I was not going to let my anger get the best of me, if I did. Then the demon would take control. I did not want to hurt anyone or have my mind taken over by some angry demon fragments that were attached to my soul.

"About time." Yeonjun said with an eye roll as he stood up from my couch.

He heads for the door along with Huening Kai, the latter sending me a gentle smile as if trying to make up for his friends actions.


I was a bit shocked when we returned to the dorm and I had entered my temporary room.

The room now had a actual bed, night stand, and a rack to place my clothes on. The workout equipment was now placed neatly into one corner out of the way.

"I know it's not much, but it's all I could manage for today." Taehyun said as he stood by the door.

"No, thank you. You didn't have too though."

"I know." He said with a small smile before leaving.

It seemed like all of them were nice besides Yeonjun, it made me wonder how they all got along and lived together. I really haven't seen how they act naturally seeing as I had just been dragged in last night, anyone would be on their best behavior with a stranger around, it could all be an act and Yeonjun was the only one not keeping up with the facade.

Broken • Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now