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I knew before I even opened my eyes, I was back in hell. The stench was more than enough to let me know where I was.

I bite back a groan as pain shoots down my neck, where I had hit my head was not feeling too well.

I crack my eyes open and have to force back down the scream that had rushed up my throat, right in my face was a big ass dog. A hellhound. I knew this from the book Taehyun had let me read.

It let out a growl as it bared its teeth, if I had thought the all-around scent of hell was bad, it was nothing on the smell that came out of the creature's mouth.

"Barghest, down."

I snap my eyes away from the huge dog, meeting the dark amber eyes of the demon that had disguised as Beomgyu.

"Finally awake, I forgot how fragile humans can be."

I still couldn't get over the way the thing looked. It was tall like all demons seem to be, its body was that of a loin, which looked so odd as it walked around on its hind legs. It must have some severe back pain.

Its face was nothing that would really stick out in public, it looked like your normal person out and about, which was a little unsettling. The fact these demons could hide so easily in the human world.

"What did I do to earn another all-paid expense trip to hell?"

It scrunched its nose up as it looked me over. "What are you saying human?"

"Why am I here?" I bite my tongue as I wanted to say more, something that may earn me a free trip to the afterlife.

"You will soon learn." It replied simply.

My eyes follow it and its big ass dog as they walk away.

My eyes then scan the area, I was in a cave, one that was very dusty.

I cough and rub at my eyes, trying to clear my head a little as I push away from the rough stone wall I was leaning against.

There was nothing really off-setting about the cave, it seemed like one on earth if it wasn't for the smell. Dim light from above allowed me to see the walls closest to me were a dark gray color, a few speaks of black here and there in the wall, almost like bits of coal.

I use the wall to stand, trying to get myself on my feet. I was hoping the demon had left and taken its hellhound with it, thinking I was too weak to try and escape. As far as I could see right now, there was nothing keeping me here.

I look up and regret it as my head starts to spin and my stomach tugs in a very uncomfortable way.

The small part of the sky I could see through the hole in the roof of the cave confirmed I was definitely in hell. It was the same crimson color I had seen before.

I let go of the wall and stumble forward a little. I bring my hand up and feel over the spot where I had hit my head. Pulling away with a hiss, my hand now covered in blood. It was not a good sign if it was still bleeding.

I bring a foot in front of the other, taking small steps as I go the only way there was to go, the same way the demon had gone.

The cave went in a gentle curve to the right. The further I went, the less light there was.

I pause for a second, trying to see if I could pull any of the demon powers out, I needed to be able to defend myself if something came at me, I didn't want to count on last-minute help.

"Son of a bitch." I cuss under my breath as my head starts to pound.

I was able to pull the power out, but I could not get it to move to my head to heal it.

I lean on the cave wall heavily, trying to regain my breath as the pain in my head peaked. I could hear my heart pounding in my ears, with every pulse of my heart, pain would shoot through my head.

I let out a yelp as the wall I was leaning on, moved.

My eyes widen as I try and scoot away, a dark shadow started crawling across the wall, to the left, and then down to the ground. My back hits the opposite wall as the thing gets closer, stopping right at my feet.

I really do have the worst luck in the world. I think as the thing lets out a bone-shuddering growl.

The same gut-wrenching smell hit me square in the face.

"Barghest?" I try calling the hellhound's name, hoping it was like a real dog and might become friendly if I called it by its name.

It barked loudly, causing me to slap my hands over my ears, a little too late, they were already ringing from the sound of the bark.

"My bad," I say to the demon dog, understanding it was not going to be my friend. "Mother fucker!"

I was snatched up by my hair, only making the pain in my skull, worse.

"Human, I would not wonder around here if I was you." The loin human thing spoke as it brought me around to face it.

"I think my chances of living are as high out there, as they are staying here with you. I have a feeling you did not bring me here for a nice cup of coffee."

It said nothing as it dragged me along after it by the handful of my hair it had.

"I can walk!" I exclaim as we made it back to where we had come from.

Once again I was met with violence. The thing threw me to the ground making me wish I was able to jump right back up and kick it in the balls again.

Before I was even able to sit back up, I was pulled back by thin threads of black smoke. The ropes of black smoke pinned me against the wall so tightly that I wasn't even able to move my neck.

"You were wrong, your chances of you living out in hell, are higher than being in here with me." 

Broken • Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now