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I took as long as I could in the shower, waiting until it was about time for the pizza to arrive. That way, I wouldn't have to be around Yeonjun too long.

Things seem to be getting more and more intense the longer we were around one another... and I wasn't sure that I liked it.

After I had dried off and gotten dressed, I stood there, just looking in the mirror. It was funny to think about how people said that someone's eyes were the window to their soul... If that were true, who all could see that my soul was damaged in a sense. I had fragments of a very powerful demon in my soul. Could the people around me see that? I knew they could feel the powers when I didn't have them cloaked but, could they see the fact my soul was messed up as well?

It made me wonder how much they might pity me... I know they do care, they have shown it far too many times for me to doubt. No matter how much I wanted to deny that fact, I couldn't any longer. They cared, and I cared. They were like family to me now. I was like a stray dog they had taken in.

I let out a humorless laugh as I think of that. I really was like a stray dog, even before I met them. Shea was my only friend, she had also taken me in like a stray when we met. Trying to get me to live life, only for me to stick by her side like a scared little puppy.

But, these guys have taken me in, and I have actually done things in my time with them. I've become stronger, I think. I feel as if I have come a long way, even though I had lost a lot as well.

"Pizza is here!"

I jump a little as I hear Yeonjun yell from the hall. I brush my still damp hair away from my face and take a breath in before turning to leave the bathroom.

"Took you long enough."

I ignored Yeonjun as I walk over to the counter and grab a plate he had already set out for me. I pick up two slices of pizza and head for the table.

"Wait," I look up as Yeonjun spoke. "I figured we could watch a movie as we eat." He shrugged his shoulders.

"Oh, sure." I guess I wouldn't mind something that could maybe help distract me. My thoughts were still tugging at me, this time returning to the fact I no longer knew if I wanted to turn down Andromlius' deal... and it wasn't all thanks to the fact that I was starting to enjoy Yeonjun's company. The others... I really didn't know if I could just leave them after everything they have done for me. I lost one family, was I really going to give up on another one so easily?

They were a family I never would have thought I needed, but I do need them. I just wondered how much they needed me in return.

"Yeonjun?" I set the last bit of my crust down, no longer wanting to eat.

He hums in response, letting me know he had heard me.

"I need to ask something, and I don't want any of your responses influenced by our bond, okay?"

He set his pizza down and turned to look at me. "Okay, you okay?"

"If I were to leave... how much would I hurt the others if I did leave? Not just you, but them?"

"If I'm being honest, I think it would hurt them a lot. You may not see how much they care for you, but they care deeply. You're a part of our messed up family, thing. I don't know if you would call us a family, but we would all easily go through hell for one another. That includes you now."

I swallow thickly as I think his words over. They would go through hell for me? I knew from my small trip there, it was not a fun place to be, and I knew there were even more dangerous parts of hell than where I had been.

"I have a question for you now. Would you go through hell for any of us?"

Would I? "Yes, in a heartbeat."

Even if I ever doubted that they cared for me, I knew I would throw myself into fire for them.

"Then, why leave? Seems to me that you care just as much as we do. I know you're scared to lose one of us because you think you bring bad luck, but I promise, we would all face it together." He scoots closer from his spot on the couch to grab my hand. "Even if I didn't have this bond with you, my feelings would still be the same way. You somehow wiggled your annoying self into our group and planted yourself firmly in here, and none of us want to change that."

"You know exactly what to say, Yeonjun." I say while rolling my eyes, not being able to hold back the smile on my face.

"Just speaking the truth." He lets go of my hand and stands up. "How about some ice cream now?"

"Sounds good to me, but I'll pick the next movie." I say with a scrunch of my nose, I had no idea what was going on in the movie we were watching, but it seemed boring.

"So picky." He comments as he walks out the room.


I don't know if these past few parts have been okay lol.. I don't know, I feel as if there is something off with the shift of their relationship. Does it seem legit to y'all? Does it feel organic to y'all or are they being a little too friendly...? I don't know, ugh.

Anyways, hope y'all have a good day/night peeps!

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