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I jump awake and know right away, I was back. My whole body was aching, the lower half burning.

I force myself up as I recall everything that had happened. Was Yeonjun really coming back?

My eyes roam my room as I debate on getting up and waking one of the others up and talking to them about what happened

Just as I force my legs over the side of my bed, I freeze.

The sound of something sizzling catching me off guard. It was like someone had dropped water into a hot pot.

I grip the side of my bed as a random green light pops up mid-air a few feet away from my bed. I push myself to my feet, ignoring the pain as I start to freak out. The light started to grow bigger, turning into the outline of a circle.

I move around my bed so that I could have quicker access to the door if I needed to try to make a run for it. Though I highly doubt I could run in my state, I would still try if I needed to.

The center of the circle was nothing, I couldn't see anything but darkness. Was there now a black hole in my room? First the weird dream thing, and now this? What was next?

As if the world was answering me, something heavy fell to my floor from the weird blackhole thing. Then the portal was gone.

I peek around the edge of my bed and take in a sharp breath.

"Yeonjun..?" I pinched my arm, even though it was very unnecessary seeing as my legs were already hurting me. And in my dream I felt pain so that was no proof if I was awake or not.

Either way, Yeonjun was laying in a heap a few feet away from me.

I use my bed as support, and then there was still a few feet between my bed and where Yeonjun was. I managed a few steps before I was on the ground as well. I curse under my breath as I all but crawl towards him.

"Hey, you alive?" I ask as I struggle to pick his head off the floor and place it in my lap. I ignore the pain the weight caused, I was more worried about him if this was real.

Anyone would be worried if someone they knew showed up knocked out on their floor from some weird portal thing.

"Soobin!" I yell as I realize I couldn't do anything to help him.

I open my mouth to yell again just for Yeonjun's dirt covered hand to come up and cover my mouth.

"Don't yell, damnit."

I shake my head to get his hand away from my face, the smell of his hand seemed to linger in my nose.

"What do you want me to do then? Is this even happening right now?" I look down at him with wide eyes, my heart was beating fast as I thought about what I could do to help. I was questioning if this was even happening.

"Just sit still for a moment and hush."

I do exactly that, sit there and wonder what the hell was going on. "Are you still awake?" I ask after a while of silence.

He hums in response.

As I just sit there with his head in my lap, I bring my hand up to brush the hair back from his face. I had to do something to help me calm down.

"Are you hurt?" I ask in almost a whisper as I look down at him, waiting to see if he would open his eyes.

"No." He grumbles out.

"I don't believe you." I reply as I continue to brush my hand through his hair, I had nothing else to do as I sat there on the floor. "Do I need to go get one of the others?"

Broken • Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now