Training Pt 1

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My eyes go from Soobin to Yeonjun. "So, he." I point at Yeonjun. "Is training me now?"

"Yes." Soobin replied, not bothering to look up from his breakfast.

"Wow, it only took," I look down at my bare wrist as if I was looking at a watch. "Months?"

Yeonjun shoots me a hard look as I offer him a smirk. After what had happened last night, I was nervous as hell to be around him. My goal was to maybe annoy him so much, he backs out.

"Evelyn, quit trying to annoy him." Huening Kai said with a sigh, I think he was on to my plan.

I shrug as I bring my eyes down to my food. "Well, who will help with work? I thought you need all hands on deck?"

"Dumah sent someone to help us for now."

I nod as I think over a way to get out of training today. I did not want to be alone with him, I had already messed up by kissing him last night.

I feel my shoulders sag as I watch the others get up to leave, until they were all gone. The dorm was filled with a thick awkward silence as I try not to look up and catch Yeonjun's eyes that I knew were already on me.

"Stop poking at your food, we got training to do."

I mock him under my breath as I stand and throw the last bite of my food away. "I have to wash dishes first."

I hear him sigh and feel his shoulder bump mine as he steps beside me at the sink.

"What are you doing?" I step away a little and give him a little side eye.

"Helping so we can get it done faster." He replied in a 'duh' tone.

I roll my eyes and try to ignore him as I fill one side of the sink full of soapy water, placing the dishes in as neatly as I could.

"Why are you trying to organize the dishes?"

I hold back a groan. "Because, I like to do it this way. If you're here to help, stay quiet and just let me do my thing."

He grumbles and slumps his shoulders a little as he waits for me to start scrubbing dishes.

It was silent between us, the only sound was the rhythmic pattern of us washing the dishes.

The slosh of my hand going into the water, grabbing a dish up, the scrubbing of the sponge, the clank as I set it down for Yeonjun to get, the clank as he picked it up, the sound of the water running over it, and then the finally clank as he set it in the strainer to dry.

It didn't take long for us to get it done, which annoyed me a little. I dry my hands off, putting the rag away before turning to head out the kitchen.

"Where are you going?" Yeonjun asked as I turned towards the hallway.

"To get ready, I can't train in my pj's."

"Hurry up, woman." He plopped down on the couch and flung his hand up in the air.

I smiled as I realized I was getting on his nerves. I wanted to keep it up until he gave up and left me to my own devices. I was still reeling over the stunt I pulled last night, and the constant tingling feeling I was getting when I was around him, didn't help at all.

I drag my feet a little as I make it back to the living room, ready to start my training with him. "You coming?" I ask him as I speed walk past him. Better to go ahead and get this all over with.

"Don't act like I haven't been waiting on you all morning." He replied as I he stepped next to me, sliding his shoes on.

Once in the training room, I turn to face him with my hands on my hips. "So, what are we focusing on today?"

He hasn't said a word on what all he had planned for today's training.

"You need to learn how to really control the demons powers. I plan on teaching you how to focus it all over your body, that way you should be able to heal minor wounds."

"What are 'minor wounds'?"

"You probably won't be able to heal a serious one, like when the demon attacked you the first time. Those wounds will be harder, mainly because the demons venom. You will still have to be very cautious of demon venom, you may have demon powers, but your body is still human. Human body's are the weakest when it comes to demon venom."

"Noted." I nod as I think over the feeling of the demons venom when I was attacked, that was not a feeling I wanted to relive.

"Now, stand with your legs at should width, arms out straight." He showed how he wanted me to stand, I do as he asked, feeling silly. "Close your eyes and try to envision the power slowly going from your chest, into your limps. One at a time."

I stand there for what felt like 10 minutes, breathing and keeping me eyes closed tight.

"I'm not feeling a flair in power..." Yeonjun drawled out.

"I'm doing what you said to do!" I snap as I open my eyes and let my arms fall to my sides. "I can't seem to do it unless I'm close to dying!" It did seem to only really work when I was a few inches away from meeting my end.

Yeonjun rolled his eyes as he stepped over to me, tapping my arms so I would bring them back up. "I'm going to give a little tug on your powers, you have to focus on keeping them going." He said as he met my eyes.

I nod stiffly as he rest his hands on my stomach, right between my chest and belly button.

"Why not place your hands on me head...?" That's where he usually put his hands when he was messing around with the demon.

"The fragments are in your soul, remember? Before, I would rest my hands on your head, because that's where Rerek would appear to manipulate you."

"Oh." Is all I said as I try and shake off the warm tingling that was spreading through me thanks to him touching me.

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