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I stand up quickly as I see Beomgyu come around the corner, closely followed by Taehyun, and Soobin. The latter two holding up Huening Kai by his arms thrown over their shoulders. 

"Can you guys handle the clean up while we get him home?" Soobin asked as they came to a stop in front of us. 

My heart sunk as I realized Huening Kai's eyes weren't even open but, his neck didn't seem to be bleeding anymore. 

"He's okay, just exhausted from healing." 

I breathe out and let myself calm down. He's okay. My shoulders slump as they walk away, Yeonjun assuring them we had this handled. 

I move to help, still feeling shaky but, if I help, the quicker we can go home. 

"Sit your ass down." Yeonjun snapped out, making me flinch. "Beomgyu, go take care of the others around the corner, I'll handle these." 

I take my place back up, this time sitting all the way down. Now that things were calm, I could close my eyes and breathe without beating myself up too much. 

I open my eyes back up, wondering how they would get rid of the bodies. My eyes landed on the girl's body, I wondered if she had a family out there that was looking for her. 

"What happened to her?" I ask as Yeonjun squats down, brushing a hand over the girl's forehead. 

"She was fully possessed."

So there was a difference in being possessed and being influenced by a demon. Good to know, I guess. 

My eyes never leave him as he pulls a dagger out from his boot, never would have guessed he had that on him. I cringe a little as he started to carve something into the girls forehead.

"What are you doing?" I ask feeling sick all over again. 

"She's not a demon, so her body won't just turn to ash." He reached over, touching one of the dead demons, it body instantly turning into a pile of ash. "Like that. I have to carve this sign of Dumah into her, so the angel can make the body disappear in a sense." 

"That definitely made sense to me, I understood everything you just said." 

"Stuff you'll probably never learn about." He said with his back facing me as he stood up, now done. 

When the body of the girl turned into nothing more than a pile of gray feathers, I was only slightly surprised. The sword that had been in her, clattered to the ground.

Yeonjun made quick work of the last one, just as Beomgyu came back, he also carried a dagger like the one Yeonjun had. He stuffed it back into a sheath attached to his belt, that I had overlooked. Yeonjun then grabbed the sword that I had used to kill the girl. 

"We good to go?" Beomgyu asked as he came to a stop a few feet from where Yeonjun stood. 

"Yeah." He replied walking over to where I sat. "Come on." He offered his hand. 

I take it and stand with his help. The floor swaying once more. I groan as I grabbed my head, now that everything was really over, I realized my whole body was aching. My head also didn't feel the best from where I had used Rerek's powers as well as whacking it on the ground. I slide my hand around to the back of my head where I had hit it, pulling away with a hiss. My hand was now wet with blood. 

"That's gonna hurt in the morning." Who was I kidding? It hurt already. 

Yeonjun rolled his eyes as he handed the sword to Beomgyu, then he was placing his hands on either side of my head, easing the pain within a heartbeat. 

"Thanks." I pat his shoulder before he steps away. "Let's go home." I sigh as I grab my bag up that had been sitting next to me. Swaying a little as I stood straight again. 

"Hop on." Beomgyu said as he somehow made the sword's blade retract into its handle. He then stepped in front of me, turning his back to me and bending down a little. He had already placed his bag on backwards, letting it rest on his chest. 

"Hop on? Why?" I ask as I stare at his back. 

"You're tired, you keep swaying. You plan on walking all the way home without falling on your face in that state?" He shot back, looking over his shoulder with a grin. "Not to mention, you're covered in blood." 

I let out a sigh as I pulled my bag on, I wasn't going to argue, I really was tired. My legs were still weak and shaky but, I wasn't going to out right ask one of them for help. I hop on his back, wrapping my arms loosely around his shoulders as he brought my legs around, locking my ankles together. 

"You should probably put your face down or something." Beomgyu commented before we reached the entrance of the alley.

"You sure you can do this?" I ask as I bury my face into his shoulder.  

"I'm stronger than you may think." He let out with a chuckle. 

I guess he was, he wasn't even human. Sometimes it slipped my mind that they weren't humans. 

Since I couldn't even see what was going on, I closed my eyes, letting my body relax a little. 


I jolt awake as I feel my body fall onto something soft. My eyes dart around and then stop, I was just in my room. 

"Thank you." I say to Beomgyu as he turns back to face me. 

"Have a nice nap?" He questioned with a laugh. 

"Yeah, your shoulder is very comfortable." I reply as I stand up, not wanting to get dried blood on my clean bed. "How's Huening Kai?" 

"Better, he just woke up as we arrived." 

 I nod as I start looking for my clothes, I needed to go shower before I went to go check on him. 

"The bathrooms are currently full at the moment." Beomgyu commented as he headed for the door. 

I groan, I figured they would be but, that didn't lessen my annoyance. I decide I would wait in the hall, I really felt like I was getting dried blood all over my things. The thought made my stomach feel a little uneasy. I had killed someone... yes, she was possessed by a demon but, she was still a human.

Broken • Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now