Chapter 13

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After sitting on Daniel's lap for almost 30 minutes I excused myself to make lunch. Dominic seems really nice and very outspoken and I can't help but wonder how this completely different souls ended up being friends. The conversation was mostly based on how I came into the picture and how Daniel didn't inform his best friend about me, which Daniel casually brushed off by saying " one should only advertise permanent things "

Which was a great save. Then the conversation drifted off to work-related topics and that's when I decided to excuse myself.

I decided on making rice, peas, and chicken.
With the chicken in the oven, I snacked on a banana since what I initially wanted wasn't there. I should probably start buying grapes in bulk because someone keeps finishing them all. That grape addict. I inwardly joked. Softly chuckling to myself.

Daniel and I had been married for almost three weeks and so far everything is going well. But with the surprise visit from Dominic, I realized that our story has a lot of lope holes. And unlike Daniel I can't lie on the spot and how many people is he going to use the phrase I quote " one should only advertise permanent things" things on...

I most certainly can't give the same excuse to Nona. She would want details. We need a story. How come I'm only thinking about this now though?

Agh, I at least thought about it so I took out my phone and made a list of things I should discuss with Daniel.

Once I was done making lunch I called the boys. They sat down on the bar stools and started eating their food. " Hmmm, Amanda this is amazing," Dominic says taking another bite of his drumstick.

" Thank you, I'm really glad you like it" I grin looking at him. I rarely get to cook for people and it makes me very happy when I'm complimented on my skills.

My eyes glaze over the two men and catch Daniel looking at me with an indecipherable expression on his face. It was something between irritation and something else. I quickly look away from him, saving myself from his heated gaze.

Daniel is truly a great actor. He clears his throat after realizing that he has been caught staring " Are you attending the Ball?" The change in topic instantly gets my attention.

Dominic shrugs " I don't know, Erica has some modeling stuff to do in Rio this week"-- " but I'll talk to her and see if we can pull some strings"

After lunch, they chatted a bit as I washed the dishes. " Anyway, I should probably get going," Dominic says as he makes his way to the front door. "Oh and thank you for lunch" and with that, he was gone.

I turned my attention back to the task at hand and soon enough I was done.

Now Daniel

I go walk upstairs and knock gently on his door. "Come in " he shouts. I hesitantly open the door and walk in. Daniel is seated on his bed with his back leaning on the headboard and his laptop on his thighs.

" I can come back another time"

He looks up to face me " you are already here, might as well spit it out"

I can tell him not in a good mood, so I have to make this quick " so I have made a list of things we need to discuss, you know regarding our situation... So, I'll just send it to you, and we can talk about it whenever you are free" I didn't wait for a response and made a run for it.

I don't like confrontations or anything remotely close to an awkward conversation especially if I have to initiate the whole situation. Once in my room, I sent him the list I made.

Sighing I take out my work material and start going through contracts. I inwardly groan when I realize that my two favorite people are coming back to work tomorrow. Rumors have it they went on a mini vacation with their sugar daddies.

Who knew that my life would turn out like this? Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine myself married to someone; I hardly know. To a handsome, grumpy, grape addict. Who would have thought?

Life has a funny way of working itself out.

Hey, hunnies ❤️

Short chapter know ' sorry'
I have been very busy since it's my first semester at uni so I had to adjust to a lot of new changes and being in a new country doesn't make it easier.

Plus I experiencing huge writer's block, but I'm working on it and I'll soon be back to regular updates.

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