backstory of ellie

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This is just Ellie's backstory so you can skip it if you'd like!

So basically Ellie hasn't had a very good life, she always stayed with her Nana Janet (grandma) as her mother was out either drinking or with another man, most the time both.

That all ended when her Nana died when Ellie was only 9, she missed her dearly but she had no one to talk to. Her nana Jen was her one and only friend. Ellie closed herself off from the world and began focusing herself on things she wanted, and had to do to get far in life. By the time she was 12, Ellie was already passing her GCSE'S getting 4+ and 5's every test. But she wasn't liked by anyone, not her classmates, not by most of her teachers, not even her own mother.

Ellie's mam liked to party, and always with a man with money. She had Ellie when she was 15, and by that time Ellie's nana was already taking care of ellie. Sadie (Ellie's mam) soon forgot about Ellie and carried on with her party life style. But as soon as her mam died she had to step in right? Nope. She left ellie to fend for herself, this allowed Ellie to live by a important rule

Not everything lasts forever.

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