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*Ow wtf* I think as I open my eyes. Instantly I feel a sharp pain in my skull, leading me to wince. I drag myself of my bed to look at the damage.

I went to the mirror and stared at myself. *How tf am I going to cover this?* I ask myself, poking the huge cut across my forehead.

I grab my makeup bag and instantly cake my forehead in all kinds of things. Eventually, I finally covered the line. Because of the tips and tricks from the makeup artists, I was pretty good at making things realistic.

After washing my greasy hair in the  over the sink, i put it into a clip and got ready. Grabbing my bag, I headed down stairs quietly and headed for the front door.

Before I left I I realised I can't hear any noise coming from the living room, this was strange because I could usually hair Steve's obnoxious snoring or my mam sleep talking.

I snuck into the living room to see if they were there, and I was shocked to find no one was there at all. Cans of bear were everywhere, and pint glasses smashed on the floor.

I sighed and headed for the door, "I don't have time for this shit." I quietly whispered to myself as I locked the door.

"Hi Graham!" I said to the security guard as I passed through the gate. "Hi Ellie!" He said, giving me a wave. I walked towards the lounge room and noticed something, no one was around? usually there would be atleast one person carrying something, or atleast having at chat with someone, but no one was around.

Shrugging I open the handle of the door, closing the door behind me I listened for anything but I couldn't hear a thing. Confused I turned around and saw absolutely nothing.

"What?" I whispered to myself astronomically confused.

"SURPRISE!!!" Screams came from ever side of the room. Most of the cast and crew all in party hats hiding in all different places popped out at the exact same time.

I was frozen in a mix of fear and shock. But I was still confused. "What?" I eventually blurted out. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Scarlett screamed, doing a little pose.

Instantly I felt overwhelmed, I can't believe they Found out it was my birthday, I felt the tears coming but I blinked them away just in time. "Thank you guys so much, I can't believe it." I said in a shaky voice, they must have noticed I was probably going to burst out crying because I got a hug of them, one by one they would come up to me and squeeze as hard as they could.

"Sit down, we got you presents!" Rdj said bringing me over to the couch. "What, no you didn't need to." I say, feeling really guilty. "No, no! Of course we needed to, your apart of the family!" Chris H said patting me on the shoulder.

They got me seven gifts in total, I got more then I have ever had in 15 years, in one birthday. I got clothes, jewelry and books of the cast and crew. "I can't tell you how much this means to me guys, this is the best birthday I've ever had." I say with teary eyes. "Don't start crying, you'll make me cry." Said Chris e, giving me an extra hug. "And it's only the start, you'll hate us by the end of the day." Said Sebastian, cheekily smiling at me.

All day we did fun things, completely forgetting about work, by the end of the day the whole cast had matching T-shirts with all of the casts faces on them, cheaply pasted on, which were all picked out by a random generater. Luckily, or unluckily I got Anthony m, meaning I had a really wide picture of Anthony Mackie's face on a t shirt.

by the time we had gotten back I had thrown up about 3 times, all different places and all different reasons.

"Honestly, that was the best birthday ever." I said, crawling onto the couch, "are you sure, I feel sick!" Said tom holland, rolling side to side on the floor, holding his stomach. "Oh yes, this is the most fun I have ever had in my entire life." I confess, giggling about all the fu things we had down today.

"Cast, can you come to the meetings room straight away, we have an announcement!" Said Anthony r through the speaker. All of us groaned, and pushed ourselves of the couch, also having to pull a few people up who were to tired.

"Well hello guys! Where's all our energy gone?" Joe asks. "Her fault." Anthony m says pointing at me. "Excuse me, no it was not." I say defending myself.

"Anyways, we have exiting news!" Joe said. "We are going to Boston to finish filming!" Anthony r says throwing his hand in the air excitedly. "No way" I say enthusiastically. "Hey! Atleast someone's exited!" Joe said. "Why are you so exited kiddo?" Rdj asked confused.  "Well, I've never been out of the country before, I don't even think I've been to the other side of the country, only blackpool a few times?" I confess, shrugging my shoulders.

They all looked at me shocked. "Don't worry, we'll take you all the places you need to visit kid." Said Chris e, patting me on the back.


Finally it was the end of the day, don't get me wrong I loved it, but it was very hectic.

Saying goodbye to the cast I headed for my house. Honestly, I forgot about the whole ordeal last night but I just couldn't wait to go home and probably puke again.

"I home!" I shouted as I entered the door. "In hear sweetheart!" I hear my mam shout from the living room.

My heart instantly dropped, and I hesitantly made my way to the living room. "Im so sorry for what I did last night Ellie, I was really drunk and I wasn't thinking, I'm sorry." she says, giving me an unwanted hug.

"It's ok." I said, I knew it wasn't but I just wanted this to stop.

"I'm sorry, you have to pack your bags and leave, your not wanted hear." She said, taking her hand from around me and walking out of the room. Not even looking back. I stood there in shock.

I'm now officially homeless.

*Authors note+ rant. Ok so it was my birthday like 30 minutes ago and it was ruined by my dad. He got really drunk and decided it would be a good idea to break up my whole room to prove that a massive spider I saw wasn't real, while doing that he broke my wardroom and my room is a mess with loads of different things. I don't know if I'm being selfish, or its hormones or something, or if it's because he is just a really angry drunk.

And I'm sorry for posting this really late, I just don't know what to write at the moment, thank you guys for reading <3*

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