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*Don't know what to disclaim this but theres a bit in here where Steve being a bit of a creep so‼️‼️*

*Ow, wtf* I thought as I wake up. I felt something heavy on my rib almost crushing me. I slowly open my eyes and blink a few times until it isn't blurry.

There was Sebastian Stan, sleeping like a star fish with both of his legs on Paul r and his upper body basically covering my whole torso, snoring his head off.

I mange to slip under him and grab a pillow before his head smashed into the couch.

I caught myself smiling at them all, leaning on eachother, clutching onto the couch for dear life. Unlike Paul r and Ryan r who were both lying on the floor, facing eachother.

I quickly pulled my phone out and turned it on its side so I could fit all of them in the frame.

I took a few photos, with a few of them with me in it and put my phone back in my pocket. I walked towards the door deciding to go and train since I have been lacking.

First I went to my trailer and picked out a pair of jogger-shorts ( like sweatpants, but in short form?) And a t-shirt. On my way out I also grabbed my water bottle and some gum.

I closed the door of my trailer and jogged towards the gym area, once I was there I checked to see if anyone was training and luckily, no one was.

I checked my notes to see my session today, it was a Monday, meaning it was arms and cardio.

I started on arms, heading over to the dumbbells, I picked up one and began curling it, after 30 I swapped to the other one.

Once my arms got tired, I went to the treadmill and did a 30 min uphill jog.

Not going to lie, I was tired. But I wanted to push myself, see how far I would go before i couldn't.


"Ellie!" Screamed my mother. "Coming!" I screamed back, excited.

Today is my 9 birthday, I can't wait to see what my mam gets me today.

I ran down the stairs, almost tripping over the pair of shoes at the bottom. "Yes mam?" I say running into the kitchen. "Come here sweety, I want you to meet your new dad!" She say, excitedly. "Ohh, okk..." I say hesitantly.

"Hey there kid!" Said an overly excited man. "Hi?" I said back, looking at my mother for reassurance.  "It's ok Ellie, go say hi." She say, pushing me towards him.

He pulls me into a hug, putting his hands on my lower back. I pull back a little, making him let go.

"I have to go Ellie, I'm meeting the girls, have fun." My mam says, grabbing her coat and leaving.

Once the door closes I look at the strange man. "Oh come on? Come give me a hug." I says, holding his arms out while giving me a creeping smile. "I don't even know your name." I said, stepping back. "That doesn't matter right now, ok?" He said picking my up and holding me by my waist.

He say down in the couch, sitting me in his knee. Putting his hand on my thigh. He got really close to my face and whispered into my ear. "My name is Steve, darling. But you can call me dad."

*Beep beep* was the sound that took me out of my thoughts. I sighed and hopped of the treadmill

I walked over to the booking bag and put some boxing gloves on, I started with slow punches and would slowly increase the levels.

I didn't even realise I was punching that hard until I heard someone's voice behind me. 

Chris e pov.

The last place I need it check is the gym. I have been looking for Ellie for around 20 minutes, I was gonna ask her if she wanted to go on a walk today, she seems to have been more distant lately so I want to ask her what is on her mind.

As I walked towards the gym, I heard heavy breathing coming from inside, so I hesitantly opened the door.

Ellie was beating the life out of a punching bag, I could tell she was really angry. She was being really aggressive, and I was kinda scared.

I stood there for a few seconds, just watching her. It dawned on me that I know nothing about her, shooting in England was almost over, and half of the movie was almost done!

I heard sniffing coming for her direction, pulling me out of my thoughts. I slowly walk towards her, making sure she doesn't hear me.

Now that I'm closer, I hear her, I realise that she's crying. I instantly felt bad so I put my hand on her shoulder to comfort her.

Bad idea.

Ellie pov

I turned and I punched, which was probably not the best idea. "Oww!" I heard Chris E scream.

"Oh my god, Chris I am so sorry." I spit out helping him up. "iamsosorrypleaseforgiveme." I say really fast, earning me a look from Chris.

"Geez kid, all I have to say is, you gotta strong left hook." He said chuckling, after wiping his nose to check for blood. "Sorry for scaring you." He said, putting his hand on my shoulder.

"No it's ok, just got a bit frightened that all." I said, smiling.

"Are you... Ok?" Chris asked, dropping his eyes and squinting his eyes and pulling a face. "Yeah, I'm fine!" I said, happily, taking my gloves of.

"Kid, I heard you crying." He said, making me heart drop.

"Ohh, no I wasnt- I was just- there was something- I wasn't crying." I managed to spill out, looking at him.

"Don't lie to me." He says, with no expression. "And i'm not lying." I said in defence.

"Listen, Ellie, I want to know what's wrong. All of us do, because we care about you, we feel you have been distant and we want to help, because when your working with us, we don't become friends, we become family." He said, I could see he was concerned by looking in his eyes.

I was instantly hit with regret, anger but most of all, realisation.

I love these guys.

I felt a tear run down my cheek, I stood there in shock. Did he just say family?

I felt his arms wrap around me, so I put mine around he shoulders.

This just made me sob even more. "Ellie, please tell me what's wrong." He said, still holding me.

" It's kind of a long story." I said smiling.

*Heyyyy guys, I know what a shock, it's me again. I just want to let you guys know, school started again so I won't be posting alot, but the story WILL STILL CONTINUEEEE.

I want you guys to know that I love every single one of youz so much and if anyone hurts anyone if you, they will have to sleep with one eye open!*


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