the truth

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Words in ** are her thoughts.

"Well, he wanted my drink, and I got scared and froze, so he stabbed me I guess." I looked down and sighed. "Is that all he wanted, just a drink?" Chris asked confused.

"Yeah, it's weird." I replied shrugging my shoulders before looking out of the window.

*Why do I put people through this* I thought to myself. Why do they have to put up with me? Why cant I just be a normal person without all of these problems. I'm so fucking difficult.

"We are here!" Scarlett said, pulling into Chris' family's driveway. "We thought you could rest up here for a bit." Robert said hopping out of the car.

I dragged myself out of the car and looked towards rdj. "I know you probably aren't going to use it, but just for safety measures."he grinned, pulling out a wheelchair. I rolled my eyes as he parked it infornt of me. "I'm fine Robert." I smile at him. "No way is that getting through me missy," he raised his eyebrows, "come on, I know its killing you right now, but your to nice to say anything." He says.

"I wouldn't say tha-" "just get in the wheelchair." He interupts. I finally hop into the wheelchair, defeated as he pushes me to the front door. "Hey mom!" Shouted Chris excitedly. "Hey Chris." She replied, "oh and how is my trouper?" She asked me, kissing my cheek. "I'm fine, thank you." I smiled at  her and laughed slightly. "I'll take her from here, you guys have fun at work, be good Chrissy!" She said, purposely embarrassing her son, as they walked down the drive. "I will ma." He waved her of embarrassed.

"Come on, you tell me how this has happened yeah?" She said wheeling me into the big house.

"Erm, well, basically he was robbing me for my drink, and I froze... So he stabbed me." I stated shrugging my shoulders and taking a drink of my tea. "Wow, just a drink?" She asked. "Yeah, crazy." I replied. "Ellie, what drink was it?" She asked intrigued. "It was a.. strong energy drink." I quickly replied. She gave me a 'do you think I'm stupid?' look and held my hand. "It was jack Daniels..." I sighed looking down.

"Oh sweet baby." She sighed, Giving me a weak, but meaningful, hug. "How long has it been since you have started drinking?"  She questioned, still holding my hand. "Well, since I remember, my mam always encouraged me to drink, but I've been a heavy drinker since 10." I reply, waiting for the reply, which I thought would be a 'get out my house you drunk.' but it was a hug.

"I'll help you through this." Was the last thing I heard before I fell asleep due to be really tired.

Oh shit? Was I being stabbed again? I asked myself as a sharp pain hit my abdomen. I opened my to see two little boys. "Miles, Ethan!" I called out. "Ellie your back!" They called out, jumping on top of my knee.

"Watch out, be careful of my side, I had gotten hurt so I needed to be stitched up." I explained the best I could. "Oh sorry."  They apologised. "It's fine, come one, will watch a new movie!" I said pulling a blanket over the two boys sat on my knee.

Even though I enjoyed the movie, I could help wait anxiously for Chris to be back. I had to tell him.

*Hey guys, I haven't been here lately as I relapsed on Tuesday and I haven't been overall okay. I LOVE YOU ALL, ALSO OVER 50K? LORDY.


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