yeah I'm fine now.

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"Hurry paul." I wined. Todays the day we go to Boston, I'm really excited to meet Chris's family even though I've only known him for 5 months.

"It's takes a while to get this pretty hunny." Paul replied sassily shaking his finger at me. "Come on stupid let's get this over and done with." I said basically dragging him to the bus.

Chris pov

I watched from the widow as Ellie dragged Paul towards the car. We haven't really talked since Haley had came around, well, let's just say she didn't last long. All I'm going to say is that no one took a liking to her and she may or may have not had an obsession over me.

"Finally, took you long enough." Said seb sarcastically. "Well we would've been at the airport now if it wasn't for Mr i-need-to-look-good." Ellie complained, refering the Paul who just laughed and shrugged his shoulders in agreement.

Ellie sat opposite me on the way to the airport, I noticed that her leg was shaking and her face had a worried expression as she looked out of the window. Everyone was talking to eachother, absorbed in their own conversation.

"You really care about her don't you." Asked Robert, looking at her then facing his head to look at me. "Yeah..." I sighed still looking at her. "I don't understand how she's so cheery all the time. I mean, all that she's went through and she's still so happy?" I said confused. "I guess she's a fighter." Robert replied sighing.

Ellie pov.

I'm fucking shitting myself. I, hate, planes. I know, you've never been in one' blah blah blah, but I don't care.

Chris has been staring at me for a while. I don't know why but I saw a sympathetic look on his face while he started talking to Robert.

*Ding* I looked down at my phone to see I got a message on Instagram. I smiled realising it was of Scott. Once Chris had told his family he was cooking to Boston to film Scott (his brother) messaged me on Instagram and we instantly got along. I listened as he bitched about people at his work, and he listened to me when I also bitched about people at work. You could say we're best friends.

"What are you smiling at?" Scarlett asked smiling. "Just some march scores, my team won." I lied, pulling up some random football scores and showing her. "Hmm sure."she replied raising her eyebrows, then turning to continue her conversation with Lizzie.

"We're here!" Shouted Joe from the front seat. Well shit, here goes nothing.  Stood from out of my seat and went to the boot to grab my bag and suitcase that scar had specifically bought for me.

The taxi driver opened the boot, "here." He said, handing me my luggage. "Thanks." I smiled before stepping on the curb and waiting for the others.

"Here Ellie I'll take you suitcase." Chris E offered, holding his hand out. "No it's fine, I've got it." I refused holding my suitcase up to prove it's not heavy. "Let me know if it's gets heavy ok?" He asked, looking at me. I smiled, he really cares. "Yeah, you got it." I replied.

Once everyone was finally out of the taxi's, we made out way to our plane. Joe and Anthony, being the crackheads they are, got us a private plane plus security guards to keep the paparazzi away.

"You can take your bag on with you ma'am, I'll take you suitcase for you." Said a kind woman dressed in a fancy suit. "Thank you." I replied as she took the heavy case from me. "Come on kid, do you want us to miss our flight?" Robert asked, waving his hand around to make me go over to the gate. "Calm down old man, you don't want you hair falling out." I smiled sheepishly before running up the stairs onto the plane. "YOU CHEEKY-" Is all I heard before he got out of sight.

"Ellie sit next to me." Said Chris E, motioning his hand towards me. "You sure?" I asked before sitting down. "Positive." He said smiling. I managed to get my bag in the slot above the seat, with great difficulty.

I sat down and sighed. "Listen kiddo, I know it's your first time on a plane, don't be scared, I'm right here." He said, gently shaking my shoulder. "Me scared?" I scoffed dismissing the idea.

"This is your captain Kevin, just want to let you know that we are taking off in 3 minutes." Spoke a voice. Well shit. I buckled myself in as scar and Lizzie sat in the seats Infront of us. I turned to see mark r and Robert behind us and Anthony m and seb to the left of us.

Chris was staring out of the widow as the plane began to rumble, I grabbed the arms of my seat in desperation. "It's alright." Chris calmly said. I relaxed eventually, but once I had relaxed the plane eventually started to move. Slowly I felt the pressure on my ears give way, making them pop as the plane came of the ground.

I grabbed the nearest thing close to me and closed my eyes waiting for the rattling to be over. "Ellie?" I asked a voice from beside me. "Yeah?" I said opening one eye and turning to look at Chris. "You alright?" He asked concerned. "Yeah Im fine now." I sighed relaxing.

Chris pov

I felt something latch onto my hand as we began to take off. I turn panicked only to realise Ellie had her eyes closed and was holding onto my hand for dear life. I instantly felt a bit angry, not at her. I don't know what, maybe it was me being protective? "You alright?" I asked. "Yeah I'm fine now." She loudly sighed, letting go of my hand but still having it placed on top of mine.

*Should I post my new book yet??*

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