pray to Thor.

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*Weeks later*

I sat down in the meeting room.

Okay guys, only a few weeks left of filming before we end this film." Stated the Russo's. "In the meantime we have to film the helicopter scene with ellie and Chris, so let's go!" That was Thursday morning prep.

Me and Chris walked to the huge lake where we are going to shoot the scene. "ok, Ellie your stunt double is going up on the helicopter and-" "my stunt double?" I questioned Russo. "Yes?" He asked confused. "Why can't I do it?", I pleaded, "it would be cool!" I Reasoned with him. He sat there confused on why I want to jump out of a helicopter and potentially die, but I have different priorities because jumping out of a helicopter is cool as shit.

"Ok and sign here." He said as we finalised the paperwork that said that marvel studios are not going to take blame for any accidents. I mean, that's fair.

Chris was waiting outside. "You sure you want to do this kid?" He asked concerned, "I mean, you could get injured, or worse!" He exclaimed worried, which is kinda nice tbh, someone worrying about you.

"I'll be fine Chris! You can be up there with me if that any closure?" I asked as I could see he was feeling a bit anxious about me doing this stunt.

As the helicopter flew further up from the ground I was starting to get a little nervous ngl, but I'm here now. I felt a hand on mine and I looked at Chris as he was smiling at me with a supporting (slightly concerned) smile on his face. So I smiled back, laughing at how silly this is. I'm about to jump out of a fucking helicopter.

"Okay and scene!"

"We don't have enough time to hack into the sever before these guys kill us all!" Shouted Tony through the earpiece. I looked around for a sec trying to think of a way to buy is time. "I have an idea!" I shouted through the earpiece. "Oh great, we are all dead." Whispered tony audibly eyerolling. "Shut up stank, you guys hack into the server, I'll keep them busy." I stated, taking the controls of the helicopter. "What are you doing?" Shouted cap. "I'm going to crash the heli into the building!" I laughed before shutting off my ear piece and throwing it out of the helicopter. I cringed at the thought of tony shouting at me for that.

As the building came into view. I looked to my left to see a huge, fairly deep lake, I aimed the helicopter down and locked the steering, "please help me oh Thor!" I prayed to him as he is a god and leapt out of the helicopter into the below freezing lake.

"CUT!" I heard a scream as I hit the cold lake water. As I was submerged I felt a sense of peace, it was all quiet. Well that was until my ears started wringing. I swam up and waded up to the edge of the lake. Waiting on the bank was Joe. "Great job Elle! That was a magnificent scene!" He high-fived me, knowing I was wet.

"EL THAT WAS AWESOME!" Chris ran towards me and engulfed me into a bear hug. I laughed, so child-ish. "Thanks chris!" I giggled hugging him back.

After a while, the whole set was packed up and we were off back to the office building. I was wrapped in a blanket, hair still soaking and new warm clothing. Chris was sitting next to me in the car Joe was driving. "Come here for a sec, your back of your jumper will be soaked!" He exclaimed asking me to turn around. I felt him softly brush my hair, dry it a bit with a towel and split it into two sections. "What are you doing?" I asked, confused. "I braiding your hair dofus, I used to watch my mom do it when my sister where little." He replied chuckling. "Oh please Thor, pray for me and my hair!" I joked, about my hands together. "Not funny!" He laughed, pushing me gently.

"Okay and done!" He said after spending 20 minutes braiding my hair. I pulled out my phone to be surprised. "You know what Chris?" I said, "I couldn't do this, so it's pretty good!" I smile at him proudly showing his imaginary trophy. "You're so stupid." I roll my eyes. "Well, have fun putting up with my stupidity!" He grins.

"We're here!" Shouted Joe, making me whine. "I'm sleeping, give me like, 20 minutes." I groaned. "Chris, bring her in please." Joe smiles as he rolls his eyes, leaving to go into his office.

Chris pov

This girl I swear down. I prepare myself to pick her up. DAMN, am I getting buffer? Or is she really light? Its kinda concerning. I close the car door and take her to the chill spot. "CHRIS!" Shouted Robert, only to be shushed as people saw the sleeping teen In my arms. "Awe look at her!" Scar Whispered, "so cute!" Renner added.

"How much water should I dump on her?" Asked seb, "a bucket... Or?" I genuinely considered it. "None you psycho!" I jokingly whispered to him. "Someone's over-protective" he jokingly rolled his eyes. "Shush," i said glancing down at the sleeping kid. "She's a handful." Joe sat down and laughed, referring to the stunt today.

Well, she's my handful. I thought.

*HOW CUTE. sorry for not posting for like a month. I'm in therapy now and I have literally just started my summer holiday so hopefully I can post more. LEAVE YOUR THEORIES IN THE COMMENTS!!* LOVE YOU ALLLL <33333

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