he had got me

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I heard a knock at the door, confused I opened it see a police man standing at my door. I put my letter on the side table and turned to look at him. He looked sad but I couldn't really tell as he was switching his facial expressions. "How can I help you?" I asked. "Are you Ellie Foster?" He asked looking towards me. "Well, yes why?" I hesitated, I've never really spoken to the police before.

"It's probably better for you to be sitting down when I tell you this." He said in a low tone, gesturing to the couch.

My face grew cold. What? I have seen movies, it's never good when they tell you to sit down. Oh no?

Is everything ok?

I slowly moved towards the couch and sat down, folding my arms across my chest. He sat Infront of me, leaning forward with his elbows propped on his knees. "I'm sorry Ellie, your mother hasp overdosed.." he finally stated. I didn't know what to say, I sat there staring into the blank space Infront of me. Tears started forming, running and eventually, a stream of tears started rolling down my face.

She was gone.

A blinding light basically hits me in the face. My eyes adjusted to the light until I could finally see. I was in my bed, covers thrown everywhere, my curtains blowing from the open widow, slightly blinding me everyone it moved. Oh my days, it was all a dream.

I checked my phone to see it was around 8am. Sighing I crawled out of bed and headed for some breakfast. I waddled into the kitchen with one eye half open. I go to the stove, out it on and got the bacon out of the fridge. 

I put the cooked bacon into a sandwich then onto a plate. I turned to go the the living room, when standing behind me was a little girl. "AHHHHH WHAT THE HELL!" I screamed, almost throwing my sandwich in the air. The little girl giggled and ran off.

At this moment of time, I couldn't care less if a ghost was haunting us. So I continued to head towards the living room where I sat down and put the TV on.

I had filming at around 11 o'clock so I didn't really have to rush. I went upstairs, got changed into some leggings and a hoodie, grabbed my bag filled with all my stuff and went back down stairs to the front door.

On my way out I saw the letter, I chuckled it into my bag and headed of down the street towards set. I put my headphones in and put on my favourite podcast to listen to as I walk.

A few minutes later I heard a mumble behind me. I ignored it as it probably wasn't for me. Until someone tapped me on the shoulder. Startled i turned quickly and took my headphones out. "Oh sorry to scare you Ellie! You ok?" Spoke Anthony mackie. "Oh yeah I'm fine!" I replied a bit embarrassed.

We continued to walk towards set and talked about random things. "Hey Ellie, me and Sebastian are going to prank Chris E today, wanna join?" Anthony asks out of the blue. "Depends on what we are doing." I answered, still looking ahead. "Okay okay, just promise not to tell anyone." He said holding out his pinky finger. "I promise." I replied, giving him my pinky finger.

We entered set, Anthony had a smug look on his face. I sat went to the kitchen and got all the supplies ready.

"Anthony!" I Whisper-shouted through the door. Sebastian opened the door, "oh err, he's not here right now, bye!" He said, shutting the door. I caught it, "seb, I'm helping you idiot." I told him, walking into Anthony's door.

I emptied the food onto the table and spread it out so you could see everything. "You got the stuff Ellie?" Anthony asks, walking out of his bedroom. "First off, sounds like your talking about drugs and second of all, yes." I answered looking down at the table,

This is going to be hilarious.

"CHRISS!"  I shouted into his trailer. As soon the door opened, I saw Mackie launch the plate full of whipped cream, mayonnaise, tuna -and other things I could find in the fridge- at his face, and seb was just standing there, filming the whole thing.

Chris stood there in shock, he suddenly started laughing, "you are going to regret that." He said getting into a stance. "Oh shit, RUN!" I shouted in realisation.

We all ran of in different directions, but with my luck he ran after me. "HELLLPPPPP!" I screamed running into the chill area. Scarjo, Paul Rudd, Lizzie and Benedick were all sat around a table, the were shocked when I burst into the door.

They soon realised what was happening as Chris started chasing me around the table. Eventually, we came to a stand of, we were on opposite sides and we're waiting for the other to make a move. "Your not going to catch me Chris." I said with a cockey smirk. "Oh, I'll see about that." He replied. Then he ran one way around the table, quickly I darted towards the door and closed it behind me. I ran and called seb on the way there.


Where are you!!!

How do I know your not a spy?

Why would I be huffing and puffing if I wasn't running away for a man covered In mayonnaise?



I'm at a bush near the entrance

Ok I'm on my way!

I looked around  until I could see something in the bushes. I jogged towards it until I all of a sudden was o the floor, i was covered in mayo.

He had got me.

Me and Chris started having a laughing fit, so hard we didn't even notice anthony and seb standing around us. "Are you guys going to get up?" Seb asks. "Yeah hold on." I answered, giving Chris a look.

"GET THEM!" Chris screamed. I tackled Anthony to the floor, desperately mixing the food all over his face. Over to the left of me seb was begin pinned and having mayo getting smushed on his face.

The shock on their faces as we walked through the chill spot doors. "Hey lizz, can you grab my makeup bag please? it's in my bag." I asked her not entering the door as I would slip. "Sure." She says, grabbing my bag.

A slip of paper fell out of it. Confused she picked it up and glanced at it before looking at me, and back at the paper. "WHAT?" She asked shocked. "Oh, yeah, I was going to open it with you guys after my scenes if you don't mind." I said playing it cool. "What?" Rdj asks.

"My GCSE results." I answered.

*Hey guys, sorry for not posting, and for doing a shit post. But the next chapter will be kinda eventful. SO J LOOK JUST YOU GUYS WAIT! <33 + it's also kinda clique but *

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