how have I not been told?

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I arrived back home from work. I was really tired after all the scenes I had today since they we mostly me just being thrown around.

I walked up to the door hoping it would be open as my mam won't let me have keys. "Ellie, is that you?" Called my mother. "Yes it's me" i said as I walked into the living room. She was sat there spread across the couch with food wrappers all over the place, the house smelled of damp and Steve's unwashed dirty clothes.

The thing is, it's not like we can't afford a washing machine. We have one! It's just nobody else cleans the house apart from me.

My mam interrupted my thoughts. "Ellie darling! Me and Steve have something to tell you!" She said all excitedly. God I swear if she says she's pregnant or some shit. "Since me and Steve have been together a while" *more like 6 months* "we thought that it would be good if we let you know about Steve's daughters." My mam said with a straight face.

Errr, come again? How have I not been told? If they are anything like Steve I'm in for one.

Apparently they are coming to live with us, in our two bedroom house??

"Where will they be sleeping?" I asked since it was only a 2 bedroomed house. "That's the thing Ellie, you will have to move out before your birthday, well, as soon as possible really. At the latest a month." she blabbed on increasingly looking more uncomfortable. I nodded and ran upstairs trying to look calm. I can't believe, it why would they do that?

My birthday at this point is 1 ½ months away but I can't think of that right now. because I will have to find a place before it's to late. I felt my eyes begin to fill up, I never cry but this is just so overwhelming, I let one tear after another drop. Over and over. Repeatedly wiping my eyes with my jumper to try and dry my eyes only to make my eyes more red.

*BEEP BEEP* what the hell? *BEEP BEEP*. I opened my eyes to instantly regretting it because of the bright sun shinning through my curtains. The beeping sound was coming from my phone. After many attempts of Turing it off I finally did only to realize that it was 9:15. My eyes instantly widened, I have scenes to shoot at 10!

I practically jumped off my bed, I decided to just drown myself in body spray since I fell asleep in my clothes and will be able to get a shower on set.At 9:25 I ran out the house with my bag filled with all my necessaries.

Huffing and puffing I entered the lounge/ chill out spot and flung myself onto one of the many couches.

I sat there for about 3 seconds before Chris H came through the door almost taking it of its hinges. "Ellie! How are you!" He said excitedly -as he always is- as he sat down making me jump a little. "Err I'm good, you?" I replied looking at him. "Oh, I'm brill! I can't wait for the week break!" He answered.

This is what I was dreading. How am I supposed to survive a week by myself basically homeless.

"Ellie, you there?" He asked, shit I must have zoned out. "Yeah soz" I laughed. "Not to alarm you or anything but your eyes are red." He said looking straight at me confused and concerned at the same time. "Oh yeah, hayfever" I said said with a breathy chuckle.

We chatted for a bit more, it was actually fun to talk to someone how was somewhat interested in whatever I have to say instead of giving a half hearted *mhm.* Or just a nod.

"Ellie, hi we've got to get you on set for your next scene." Said Anthony through his little speaker that he adored. Me and Chris nodded at eachother as a door of goodbye and I walked to my trailer. Yes, I know I finally have a trailer it's so cool because it's like my little house. Anyways, I said hi to Cathy my makeup and they girl who gives me my outfits.

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