chapter 19

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Tony, Bruce, Clint and Thor stood at the kitchen table, glaring at each other. " You boys aren't betting again?" A voice said, making tony wip round to pepper pots. He ran up to her, giving her a kiss and hug. " I've got a holiday so I thought I'd join you!" She said happily.

" Your just in time for me to win!" Tony said juviently. Pepper shook her head. She came and stood round the table. Clint cleared his throat" Ok everyone, reveal your cards in 3 2..."

Unfortunately he could not finish, because all of a sudden Sharon ran in through the front door sending a gust of wind at the table where all the cards( and a couple hundred dollar bills) flying. Everybody stared, not caring at that point about the game, as Sharon ran through the room, tears streaming down her face, pushing past fury and Maria who had come to see pepper. They heard her footsteps run quickly up the stairs.

After a very long bewildered silence Maria asked," What's wrong with her?" Before an answer could form on anybody's lips, somebody else crashed through the door. It was Natasha. And she was waving something at somebody outside. An apple? Then she turned round, munching on the apple. " Pepper!" She said, seeing her old friend. " Nat!" Pepper replied, giving her a hug.

" You all right nat?" Tony asked in genuine concern, she wasn't usually this happy. " Yeah why?" She was still smiling. They heard someone else run up to the door. " Shit I have to go!" Natasha exclaimed, quickly heading through the door, leaving the others speechless. " Drunk," Clint concluded.

Then none other than Steve came through the door, sopping wet but laughing. " Or she pushed Rogers in a river," Clint added.
" Oh hi," Steve said. He nodded his head to pepper. " I'm confused," came a voice from the back of the room," I just came downstairs and I randomly see Sharon balling her eyes out running upstairs and then Natasha laughing her head off nearly choking on something running past minutes later," Scott said in utter bewilderment.

Everyone looked at Steve" well, errrr..." He started, scratching his head," I sort of, well, broke up with Sharon-" Tony cheered.
" Tony!" Pepper whispered. People moved forwards either to give sympathy or congratulate the captain. " That'll be why reds so happy!" Tony joked to Clint, who nodded his head vigorously in agreement.

" What are you talking about?" Pepper asked overhearing there conversation. " You'll see," tony winked.

After a while Steve made his way up to his Sam and Bucky's room. Sam was typing furiously on his phone whilst bucky was observing Steve's art book he'd finally hidden in the room out of sight from prying eyes. " Guys," he said, making his presence known. They looked up. " I did it," The two let out gigantic cheers, telling him they new he could do it and offering him chocolate for the gossip. " It was more of an accident really. Sharon, well she..." Steve started, trailing off. " What?" Bucky asked carefully. " She started offending nat and I snapped." He finished.

Steve buried his face in his hands. " What's wrong?" Sam asked more gently. " She's now gonna think I'm in love with nat, I mean I am but-"
" She's always been jealous of nat, there won't be any obvious change," bucky comforted him.
" No but the thing is nat was in the tree right next to us, I don't know how much of the conversation she heard, but she heard enough to know we broke up!" Steve said panicked.
" Shit." Sam said plainly.

Natasha ran up the stairs, only to crash into Wanda. " Hey watch where your- what's got you so happy?" She questioned. Natasha grabbed her hand, pulling her out the window onto the roof. " What? What is it?" Wanda laughed.

" Steve broke up with Sharon!" Natasha said happily. " Really? That's long overdue,why you so happy tho?" Wanda asked smirking.
" Wanda I know you've been inside my brain, I'm not even gonna bother explaining. And guess what?" Nat laughed.
" What!"
" He said he would rather be able to talk to me than be her boyfriend! That's something right?" Natasha said.
Wanda clapped her hands together in happiness," yes yes yes!"

They sat talking until they heard the faint call for lunch, so headed back in. As usual it was buffet style, help yourself. Wanda went off to talk to vision, who'd they'd also been discussing on the rooftop. Natasha decided to go see pepper and tony. " Hey!" She greeted them.
" Hey red," tony smiled.
" Hows it at the company?" Natasha asked pepper.
" Well," pepper started, munching absentmindedly on a cracker," it's taken a while to persuade the government we had nothing to do with the er, fiasco in Germany, or tony and your ' betrayal'," she said the whilst rolling her eyes," but Business is booming at the moment. They chatted like this for a little while. "Anyways enough small talk, let's address the elephant in the room, I've yet to be told about this whole Sharon Steve thing yet." Pepper laughed.

" Oh I was there when he broke up with her!" Natasha laughed. Tony looked up from playing with his carrots pepper had forced on his plate. " Really, Cummon then, spill the tea!"
Natasha sighed" Not much to say, rogers got angry and-"
" About what?" Tony asked eagerly.
"Oh I didn't hear that part." Natasha said, pepper noticed a slight blush on her cheek, and started to see what the others saw.
" But you were there, how didn't you hear?" Tony questioned.
" I was up a tree," nat said, rolling her eyes.

Before tony could work out wether it was sarcasm or not, Steve came up to them, grabbing the apple on Natasha's plate, quickly biting into it. " Hey," Natasha exclaimed. " Payback!" Steve laughed, holding the apple up high, out of the spy's reach. She pouted. " Oh all right," Steve gave in passing her the apple," also Clint wants to talk to you," Steve added.
" K, bye guys," she said to pepper and tony, before walking away to where Clint sat with lila.

Pepper turned to tony in amazement. " See what I mean," tony smirked.

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