chapter 13

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The jet flew down onto a field. The avengers had decided to quickly move so that Ross( who had mysteriously disappeared from the house) wouldn't find them again. In the distance, set against miles of fields, all different shades of green and occasionally purple, their was an old farm house. Clint, tony, Bruce, Thor, Steve and Natasha walked confidentiality towards the house, the others uncertainly walking behind them.

Clint ran forwards and knocked on the door," honey!" He shouted," I'm home!" Quickly the door opened, and Clint's wife Laura hugged him tight, the newer avengers watching in amazement. They were even more shocked when Laura ran and hugged Natasha tight, Natasha never let anyone hug her' except Steve,' Wanda smirked.

" Daddy!" A young voice shouted out from the house, and suddenly two kids came running into Clint's arms. The newer avengers stared. " Did you know?" Sam asked Wanda.
" No," she answered.

The little girl whispered in her dad's ear" did you bring aunty nat?" Clint nodded, pointing to Natasha, who was next to Steve. " Aunty nat!" The girl shouted, running and jumping into Natasha's arms. " Hey lila!" Natasha laughed. Lila then started messing up Steve's hair, laughing. Natasha and Steve also laughed. The team smiled, shocked as they were to see the black widow like this, she looked so happy.
Secretly tony took a picture, the 3 looked like a family.

Clint invited them in. " Ok so there's me tony Bruce nat Steve Thor Wanda Sam bucky Scott vision T'challa rhodey maria fury Sharon Mrs Carter and Mr Carter." He thought out loud," am I missing anyone. Everyone shook there heads.
" Actually we are leaving in a minute." Mrs Carter said. Everyone said their goodbyes before leaving to there rooms.
" We're gonna need more food." Clint sighed to his wife.

Natasha sat on her sleeping bag. She had insisted that Wanda take a bed, and Sharon made sure she had one, so she and Maria had to sleep on the floor. Eventually once everyone was asleep she decided to go downstairs.

She was going to get a glass of water when something caught her eye. Steve's sketch book. Natasha took the book and slumped on the sofa, opening it up. ' he really is an incredible artist.' she thought. And then she stopped. There was a picture of her face, smiling out at her. And another of her at the battle of New York. And another, the most recent, a half finished version of her holding baby Nathaniel in her arms.

She smiled down at it. For some reason she felt butterfly's in her stomach. She didn't know why. Soon after she placed the book on the side table, and fell asleep on the sofa.

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