chapter 7

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2 hours later, they landed in a field a couple of miles away from a seaside village in the highlands of Scotland. The others were waiting for Steve and Natasha. They had heard shouting earlier, so didn't deem it wise to interrupt. Eventually, the door opened, and Steve walked out,Natasha behind him, head down.

Sam walked up to her," good to see you nat, I'm so glad your ok!" He smiled at her, giving her a quick hug. He noticed her eyes light up a little, and felt so sorry for her. Adleast he had Clint and Scott to talk to in prison, she had had no one. 'She really thought I hated her' he thought sadly.

Wanda rushed forwards, throwing herself into Natasha's arms. " Thank you," Wanda said.

Clint death stared Natasha as she walked past, catching her eye. Both kept eye contact, determined not to be the weaker person until something distracted them, or should I say someone.

" Steve! Your ok!" The voice shouted. " Who-" Sam started asking. " Sharon." Natasha replied simply, with no emotion in her voice. " Who?" Scott asked, tilting his head to one side, like a lost puppy. He hadn't really met the famous black widow before, and this is not what he imagined her to be like.

" You lot don't know," she answered, surprised," she's Sharon Carter, caps girlfriend. "This was met with a lot of surprise. " He has a GIRLFRIEND!!!" Wanda asked excitedly.
" Since a when☝️?" Sam asked.
Clint smiled.
" Wait, Sharon CARTER, " bucky stammered," as in peggy-"
" Carter, yes, Sharons her niece or something." Natasha shrugged.
" What's wrong?" Scott asked confused. Sam gave him the tell you later look.

Bucky stormed out the jet, leaving the others in silence. He headed off the jet to see Steve kissing her, Peggy's NIECE for god's sake. Just then Natasha came up behind him. " Don't," she said," they're happy, you want him to be happy."
"Fine, but I'm never gonna like them together." He grumbled.

Sam walked straight past the 2 to where Sharon and Steve were and said very loudly, " so are you two done cause I wanna get going, it's freezing and I want to get to the village!"
" Of course." Steve said blushing.
Natasha smirked, it was all pretty cute and all, but secretly she definitely agreed with bucky, she didn't like those two together. Separate, yes. Together, just no. She did not know why.

They all walked along a muddy path, back packs on there backs, in twos and threes. Sharon and Steve lead the way, Clint and Wanda and Scott next, then lastly Natasha, Sam and bucky, the two guys on either side of nat, as if trying to protect her.

Steve looked at Sharon, and frowned. Kissing her then, something hadn't felt quite right. She didn't seem to think the same as him though, as she was beaming as she lead the way to the village. Then he looked back to check on nat, good, she was with bucky and sam. She saw him looking and smiled, he smiled back. As he turned around he saw Sharon give nat a funny look, but as soon as it came, it had gone. Was he imagining things?

They got to the outskirts of the village a little while later. The safe house looked to be quite small for the 8 of them. There were 2 people standing by the door. Natasha moved closer curiously, before her face broke into a smile and she ran forwards to hug them. Nick fury hugged her back, as did maria a few seconds later. " We're undercover to," nick explained.

After they greeted each other, the party went inside to the kitchen. " There are only 4 bedrooms annnddd 10 of us so adleast 3 people per room," maria ordered. " I say all the girls in one, Sam bucky and Steve in another, and me Clint and Scott in the last." Fury barked. Scott didn't seem to happy, but no one complained, they were all so tired, so they all set off to find there rooms. They needed to sleep, it had been an extremely long day.

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