Chapter 20

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Sharon lay on her bed, not quite believing the events of the day. How dare Natasha get in the way, if she hadn't been here she and Steve would have definitely been still together. After a while tho her stomach got the better of her, and she headed down for lunch. Sharon peered through the doorway.

Her eyes narrowed seeing Steve and Natasha laughing together on the sofa. It looked like stark and pepper had noticed to, and they looked, Sharon gritted her teeth, thrilled. Deciding she was not hungry, she turned around and started stalking up the stairs when she heard Natasha's voice over the babble of talk. " Night boys" she said, probably talking to the original 6. Sharon hurried quickly to her room, this was the time to confront Natasha.

Natasha walked up the stairs in high spirits, more so than she had for a long time. Entering her room she saw Sharon, and she sighed inwardly. The girl was certainly still sore from this mornings events. Natasha went and sat down on the floor. The tension was so thick you could slice through it with a butter knife.

Natasha thought maybe comforting her would lead her to forget about her accusations against Natasha, which she certainly did not want shared with everyone else. " I heard you and Steve broke up," she started, keeping any emotion from her voice.

Sharon looked up suspiciously. " Yeah, but I had to do it," she put on a pretend fake smile, this would put Natasha off him," he really wanted to still be with me, he begged me even, but I still said no, poor guy, I don't know how long it will be before he gets over me." Sharon shook her head solemnly. She looked over at Natasha.

Natasha looked back at her with a bemused smile, and a great desire to laugh. She tilted her head to the side. " Wow, he must be... heartbroken," Natasha said in the saddest voice she could muster. Sharon bit her lip and nodded her head again.

Sharon was convinced she had Natasha now, she looked deeply saddened at the news. But, all of a sudden, Natasha burst out laughing, nearly almost crying with mirth. Sharon sat there stunned. " That's a good one!" Was all Natasha could say before once again laughing.

" It's true, or has he told you something different, or did stark, he never like me," Sharons head was making up all kinds of excuses as she mumbled on about lies. " WELL IT'S NOT TRUE WHAT THEY SAID I DID BREAK UP WITH HIM." She shouted over the laughing.

" I have to admit you are a rather good liar, but, quite understandably, it doesn't seem to be your strong point, besides, it wouldn't matter anyways," Natasha said.
" Why?" Sharon questioned uneasily.
" I was there." Natasha said plainly.

There was a long silence. " I'm sure your, so, thrilled I broke up with Steve," Sharon sneered, breaking the silence. " Yeah, you were never good enough for him," Natasha snapped back. Sharon smirked," really, any other reason, black widow?" She walked up to Natasha.
" No," Natasha said.
Sharon laughed," you can't hide all your emotions, I see you, your just head over heals for him aren't you, well," she carried on before nat could answer, pleased at Natasha's shocked face," he will never want you,"

Natasha was deeply shook at her words but managed to snap back a sharp," caused he loved you so much," before turning away and heading to the door.

Before she realized what she was doing and who she was up against, Sharon walked up and pushed Natasha. Instantly she regretted what she just did, and stood wide eyed at Natasha, who shoved her back.

A fight broke out and after maybe one minute Natasha had overpowered Sharon and, for Steve, tried to walk away.

Just then Wanda came up to the room,   quickly observing the situation, and saw Sharon running towards Nat. Wanda stepped forward, using her magic to throw Sharon back across the room. Natasha whipped round.

" What happened?" Wanda demanded.
" She started accusing me of a load of stuff and then pushed me." Natasha said angrily. Wanda shook her head," don't go near her for a while maybe," she sighed. Natasha rolled her eyes.

Even though she acted like she didn't care, on the inside she was extremely worried. Sharon new she liked Steve. She could tell everyone. She would tell everyone at the first chance she got. What if Steve didn't like her. It would ruin there friendship. That's what Sharon wanted. She'd probably tell the media. BLACK WIDOW IN LOVE WITH CAPTAIN AMERICA...

"Nat? Nat. Nat!" Wanda waved her hand in front of Natasha's face. She was quite worried. This had never happened before, Natasha zoning out, she was always alert, ready for whatever the next obstacle in her way was. But Wanda new better than to look in her mind at this moment.

" Yeah," Natasha snapped out of the trance.
" You, you sort of zoned out" Wanda frowned.
" Oh," Natasha replied absentmindedly.
Then she walked away. Wanda stared after her in bewilderment. Maybe it would have been better to just look in her mind after all.

Suddenly Wanda her noises behind her, and she turned to see Sharon slowly getting to her feet. " And I will do that again." Wanda snapped warningly at her. Frightened, Sharon rushed past her," and don't you dare tell anyone what I did, or else" Wanda finished, raising her voice a little, playing with the magic ball between her hands.

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