chapter 18

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Butterfly's fluttered past as the grass swayed in the light breeze of early morning, dew delicately placed on it. Despite this relaxing environment, Steve was anything but. They walked in silence for a while.

" I saw your sketch book." Sharon said, looking ahead at an old oak tree standing alone. " Oh." Steve replied, not exactly listening, his brain focused on how exactly he could break up with her without hurting her. " There were pictures of Natasha in there..." She continued. Steve look up quickly, he could see her eyes were darken. " You realize what she's done, you've read her file?" Sharon questioned.
" I haven't " Steve replied shortly. He did not like the tone in which she was talking about nat.

" The amount of people she's killed, all that red her legers dripping in, she's completely heartless, she cares about nothing but-"
" Don't say that" Steve said turning to her.
" Why not, what's it to you?" Sharon questioned, stepping closer to him.
" She's my friend-"
" Oh yeah sure," Sharon spat.
" WHAT!" Steve raised his voice.

Sharon shook her head" I've seen the way she looked at you" she said," I don't think she wants to be friends."
Steve felt his heart jolt, if sharon was serious, maybe he had a chance... He sort of zoned out a little.
" STEVE, LISTEN TO ME!" Sharon shouted.
" WHAT," Steve asked angrily.
" You have TWO choices." She continued," one, you don't talk to Natasha unless absolutely necessary-"

" And if I don't do that?" Steve interrupted.
" Two, I break up with you, and I really don't want to do that." Sharon said.

' I have him now!' she thought. It was true what she said, she definitely did not want to break up with him, and she was certain he didn't want to break up with her, this was gonna hurt Natasha so much!...

" How about," Steve spoke up, cutting off her thoughts, his voice dangerously calm," option 3."
Sharon looked at him confused.
Steve looked her dead in the eye," I, break, up, with, you!"

Sharon looked horrified, tears coming to her eyes," wh- what? You don't mean that-"
" I do, I'm breaking up with you Sharon." Steve said with no emotion.

Sharon stumbled back, still facing him, before turning and running back to the house. Steve sat down heavily on the wet grass. He couldn't believe what he just did. How could he? But how could she? How dare she think I wouldn't talk to nat again because she told me!

He picked up a stick and through it hard, but it was stopped by the oak tree. Suddenly he heard the distinctive sound of a cry of pain before he saw something start falling through the branches. Steve ran quickly to it, just in time to catch the thing.

Natasha lay in his arms, wide eyed like a cat when scared. He immediately dropped her out of utter surprise. " What are you doing!" He said angrily, before remembering this wasn't Sharon, it was nat.
" I'm sorry I didn't mean to eavesdrop..." Natasha spluttered.
" What no, I meant you being out here by yourself, what would of happened if someone other than us had seen you, you could have been hurt!" Steve said.

Natasha grinned at him as he pulled her up, not that she needed the help.
" Wait," Steve said catching on," you heard that conversation?"
" Um yeah," nat smiled shyly, Steve had never seen that smile before.

He felt his stomach drop, if she'd heard everything then-
" Thank you, I don't know what I would do if you stopped speaking to me." She said sincerely.
" You would have done the same for me," Steve shrugged.
" I never liked her anyways," nat laughed.
" Yeah well that's evident," Steve laughed as well.

They seemed to have come to a silent agreement not to mention what Sharon had said, much to Natasha's relief, hopefully Steve thought Sharon was just making excuses.

" Come on let's get back," Steve sighed.
" Come on then soldier, race you back," nat replied happily. They raced through the fields, the bright sky radiating the sun onto there backs as they laughed, pushing each other over then and now. When Steve saw he was a little way in front, he stopped and grabbed an apple from a tree. Just as he was about to bite into it something snatched it out of his grasp.

Natasha flipped over his head, grabbed the apple, landed black widow style and carried on running, laughing between mouthfuls, Steve chasing her, before he slipped falling in a stream as Natasha buckled over with laughter.

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