chapter 12

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Sam and Steve returned a lot later, running up to their room where bucky was sitting. " How did it go?" Steve asked worriedly.
" There was shouting," bucky sighed," think they've cooled down now"
Steve sighed in relief.

Natasha was snacking on a pop tart when she saw Sharon storm into the kitchen. She seemed to have spotted nat to, because she started storming towards her.

" Thanks a lot idiot." She spat angrily.
" Sorry I didnt-" Natasha started.
" I hate you you monster, nobody wants you here just leave." Sharon shouted. She saw the hurt in nats eyes, who quickly turned and ran out the door.

2 hours later the Steve bucky and sam came downstairs where they found Sharon, who jumped up and hugged Steve. " There ok with it!" She said happily. " That's great!" Steve said. Suddenly Steve heard a noise outside, like lots of feet. " Can you here that?" He asked. " No?" Sharon answered uncertainly.
"Bucky, Sam, with me!" He said.

The 3 ran to where the sound came from. They stopped. Adleast 300 men were standing in a circle, guns raised. Through the men the 3 could make out Natasha, her face a mask, hiding her emotions from her enemy's.

" Well, well, well, if it isn't our favourite spy, Natasha Romanoff." A voice spoke vindictively, a voice Steve knew all to well, Ross. Ross walked up to Natasha. " You have no where to run, no where to hide, no one to go to, you are trapped, you have lost." He spat.

Steve's hands closed into tight fists. " Steve, Steve don't, it's to dangerous," bucky muttered.
" She doesn't have no one!" Steve said loudly, standing up. Rosses eyes gleamed with vengeance, " if it isn't our captain America, come to protect the Russian black widow," he sneered," 2 against 300, even for you that's a bit much cap!"

" Actually, make that three," Steve turned to see tony standing next to him, iron suit on, ready to fight. He threw Steve his shield. " That was a mistake stark," Ross said," what makes you think you can win?"

" Well, for one, we are the avengers, and for another," tony smiled,"we have a hulk." All of a sudden Bruce, the hulk, came charging at the men, throwing them across the purple moorland. Behind him came T'challa and Rhodey and vision. On the other side Sam and bucky jumped out of there hiding space, and Steve saw Wanda, Clint and Scott running into battle over the top of a nearby hill.

Steve ran to the middle of the fight, where he saw Natasha and Clint, side by side  taking down soldier after soldier, not killing but knocking them out completely. Near them he saw tony throw a guy threw the air, to where Wanda was letting about 10 of them float in mid air. Scott came up behind her, throwing whatever he could get his hands on, including the hulk, who Scott threw and who landed right next to vision. Vision looked over at Steve. " Cap!" He shouted, pointing at Natasha and Clint. Clint was down. Wanda used her mind to pick him up, placing him away from the fighting.

Steve ran up to Natasha," ready?" He asked. " Always " she replied, looking relived. Steve through his shield, hitting adleast 5 soldiers, before Natasha caught it, turning in the air and landing in her pose. With it she fought off a few of roses men, before throwing it back to Steve. It went on like this for a while, they were completely in sink, they new each other inside out, they fought to protect one another.

Tony stood there, amazed. Of course, he new they had been partners for quite a while and all, but he didn't realize just how strong there relationship was. Sam came up behind him" yeah," he said, making tony jump," wouldn't want to fight the two of them together would you,"
" When?" Tony asked.
" When did the become like this?" Sam said," when I first met them, on there first mission together, they were already extremely close, now, they are best friends, and definitely should be more," he added.
Tony nodded, watching them.

'There's to many of them' Natasha thought, throwing the shield again back to Steve, avoiding his eye. The team was tiring, the soldiers were starting to get there own back, Clint and vision to were now down. Banner had transformed back to himself, and was desperately trying to get the big guy out.

Suddenly the clouds started darkening, thunder clouds. Everyone stopped to look up. Tony noticed Steve stand in front of nat a little. He smiled. Then there was a crash of thunder and a slash of lightning and there appeared Thor. " Your having a party and didn't invite me?" He yelled.

" You guys are so screwed now," banner shouted, laughing. Thor lifted his hammer to the sky's, before rising in the air, bringing it down with an almighty bang, electrocuting all Rosses men, except ross himself.

The avengers gathered around him, Natasha and Steve at the front," you will pay for this!" Ross mumbled.
" Doubt it," Natasha replied. Together, the avengers walked back to the house, where fury, maria, Mr and Mrs Carter and a furious Sharon greeted them. They handed over Ross to fury, before heading to the garden, they had a lot to catch up on.

Tony and rhodey pulled 3 benches up in a triangle shape. Vision, Scott, Clint and Wanda sat on one. Tony, Bruce, Rhodey and T'challa sat on another, Steve, Sharon, bucky and sam sat on the last.  Thor insisted on standing where he could see them all. Natasha waited, unsure what to do. Tony looked up at her," Cummon red sit down!" He laughed.

They chatted late into the night, and for most the early morning. Tony kept an eye on Steve and Natasha, and saw there little interactions no one noticed. He saw the trust in nats eyes, which he had never seen before. Tony would never have thought, the soldier and the spy. ' romanogers,' he thought, smiling. " Rhodey, Rhodey," he whispered. " What?" Rhodey asked.
" I have a knew ship!" Tony squealed like a little kid. " Yeah, What?" Rhodey said.
"I'm talking about those two," he side eyed nat and Steve, who were talking." Romanogers," he whispered. Rhodey nodded," that might not be one of your worst ideas!"

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