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As a combination of channeled literature and memoir, this book reflects the author's present recollections of experiences over time. Some names and identifying characteristics have been changed, some events have been compressed, and some dialogue has been recreated.

The author does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is to entertain and offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, the author assumes no responsibility for your actions.

Image copyrights belong to the respective copyright holders.


Dedicated to those who are grieving the loss of a loved one.


A heartfelt thank you to my fellow Reiki Master Wayne at Spiritus Reiki Center and my friends at the Reiki circle gatherings for your support. Your enthusiasm gave me the confidence to complete this book.

Shout out to those who reviewed the early drafts of this book: Wayne, Thomas, Louie, Mike, Phyllis, Pam, Phillip, Amy, Larry, Joy, Charles, Greg, Stephanie, Victor, Sally, and Sara. Thank you for your attention to detail, excellent questions, and suggestions for improvement.

And finally, thank you to Alan, the most amazing spirit guide I've ever met. I appreciate your willingness to work with me so openly. You are a gift, and I look forward to our continued partnership across dimensions.


Having lived a spiritual life for decades, I know that death is not the end of existence. This truth has afforded me opportunities as a mystic to explore the boundaries of what we call reality and increase my understanding of the unseen. If you're also a truth seeker who likes to plumb the depths of the soul, I invite you to read this book.

While I've had occasional contact with departed relatives and spirit guides, I am not a professional medium and don't make a habit of contacting the deceased. My spiritual expertise lies in energy healing. For five years, I taught Reiki(1) and cohosted weekly Reiki circles with my friend Wayne. I feel blessed that I had the opportunity to share the gift of spiritual healing with more than a hundred students during that time. I've since started a new career as an author of mystical romances.

Before actor Alan Rickman died in 2016, I didn't know anything about him and hadn't seen his most popular films. I must admit that I'm not a movie buff and don't watch much television.

When I met Alan after his death, I had only intended to converse briefly with him and give him a little Reiki energy in the hopes it would help him. I had no idea that my efforts would later result in a partnership across dimensions.

Alan has since become an incredible teacher and healer. I've learned from him that we can teach spirits how to use Reiki. We've performed many experiments together using Reiki, crystals, and dreams to test the boundaries between the physical world and the higher dimension. He's taught me about life, cancer, the dying process, and the afterlife. His love for humanity and desire to help are enormous. To my surprise and delight, his personality and sense of humor have remained intact. Even though the man is gone, Alan's spirit is still here.

As our partnership deepened over the years, Alan asked me to write this book with his help. His work as an actor in this life had shown him the power of storytelling. Today, he still believes that writers, actors, and artists can be agents of change. He knows that a book like this has the potential to raise awareness.

He instructed me as follows: "I'd like you to tell the world that I survived death. We all survive death and there's no reason to fear the experience. I cherished my life as Alan Rickman, it was a good life for me, and I learned powerful lessons from it. Now I have a new life as a guide. Please tell others what I'm doing and that I'm here for them."

I had an inordinate amount of material to work with after nearly six years of conversing with Alan. To keep the book manageable and easy to read, I've narrowed the focus primarily to Alan's early days as a spirit guide. The opening chapters explain how I met him and what happened to him immediately following his death. Subsequent chapters provide detailed examples of how we've been working together since 2016. Throughout the book, tips on how you can work with him are included as well.

I welcome your feedback and questions. If you implement my tips in your spiritual practice, please share your results with me if you'd like.

If you enjoy this book, I invite you to read the sequel which is now available.

More books are coming, including channeled commentaries from Alan, romance fiction, and more! Follow me here on Wattpad to receive updates.

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My YouTube channel has 25+ educational videos to help you develop your intuition and clairvoyance, work with spirit guides like Alan, and use spiritual tools like crystals and pendulums. There are also many channeled messages from Alan. I release two videos a month. Subscribe to my channel and you'll be alerted when new videos drop:


(1) Reiki is a Japanese hands-on healing method of channeling spiritually guided life force energy, which can also be described as divine love. While Reiki has a variety of physical, emotional, and mental benefits, relaxation and pain reduction are most common. Students become practitioners through a sacred initiation, called an attunement, which activates the ability to channel Reiki energy. The attunement is facilitated by a Reiki Master during a short guided meditation. Reiki is taught in four levels, each of which includes an attunement: I, II, Advanced Reiki Training (ART), and Master. Each level can further one's spiritual development and healing. While some Reiki Masters teach each level separately, others teach two levels together in a weekend workshop. My friend Wayne and I taught Reiki the latter way.

From Actor to Healer: Alan Rickman's New Life as a Spirit Guide, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now