Chapter 24 - Martinis

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From then on, Alan liked helping others and having his presence acknowledged. Whenever I had lunch with my friend Marie, Alan would perform healing work on her if she needed assistance. One time when we got together, Marie had just recovered from a severe cold, and her chest hurt when she laughed. The cold had caused a persistent cough, which was what had initially brought on the chest pressure. But the cough was gone now, and she didn't know why her chest still hurt.

Alan told me that he was willing to help her. While she relaxed on my couch, Alan went to work and a moment later said he had found the problem. Marie's coughing spells had moved her ribcage out of place, and this was the cause of the lingering chest pressure.

After I explained the issue to her, Alan asked for permission to move her ribcage back where it belonged. When I asked her if he could proceed, she said yes.

A few moments later, she said something shifted in her torso. She took a deep breath and said the pressure was gone. Whenever she laughed during the rest of her visit, she experienced no further chest pains and remained pain-free after that.

Over time, I told more friends about Alan. Whenever I feared that someone might doubt me, my worries were quickly allayed. Everyone was accepting and curious to know more.

Rodney was one such friend. A Reiki practitioner in his early sixties, Rodney had studied spirituality for decades. I met him at Spiritus in 2019; we became good friends after many chats at the weekly Reiki circles.

One Saturday night in the summer of 2020, Rodney came to my house for dinner. Before he arrived, I asked Alan if I could reveal our relationship to my friend, and he said yes.

Rodney commented afterward that he'd never heard a story like mine; it shattered his understanding of the soul and what happens after death.

This paved the way for Alan to work with him. A few months later, when I invited Rodney over for dinner in October, I was surprised to see him hunched forward as he entered the house. He was suffering from a groin pull. He'd been in pain for more than a week and almost cancelled our get-together.

Even though he didn't ask for help, my conscience wouldn't let him go home in that state. After dinner, I asked Alan in my mind if he was willing to perform a healing on my friend. He said yes. When I asked Rodney if he would let Alan give him a treatment, he was skeptical at first but eventually agreed. He then stretched out on the couch and closed his eyes. Alan worked on him for about five minutes.

Afterward, Alan told me he'd strengthened Rodney's abdominal muscles and the solar plexus chakra which governs them. Muscle weakness in this area was the cause of the groin pull. Alan recommended that Rodney take up tai chi to further strengthen his abdomen. When I relayed what Alan had done, Rodney said he had felt energy moving through him during the session. When he got up off the couch, he stood straighter but said there was still some residual pain. Alan said it would take a couple more days to heal.

When I saw Rodney again later in the week at Spiritus, he was pain-free and able to stand straight. He said he'd felt a little pain the morning after the treatment, but it was completely gone the next day. If he had doubted Alan's healing abilities before, he was no longer skeptical.

While some of my friends were unfamiliar with Alan's career like me, Rodney was a longtime fan of Alan's movies. Curious to know more about the man, Rodney then fired off many personal questions asking about the actor's personal tastes, such as what he'd liked to drink. Because Alan had shared little about his physical life with me, I was unable to answer.

Alan surprised me a few days later while I was reviewing a backlog of Google Alert emails. Back in 2017, I'd created a Google Alert to receive a daily digest of articles that mentioned Alan's name so I wouldn't miss any news of interest about the actor.

From Actor to Healer: Alan Rickman's New Life as a Spirit Guide, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now