Chapter 3 - The Warning

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After work that day, I headed straight to my friend Wayne's healing center where we cohosted a free Reiki circle every Thursday night. Anyone was welcome who wanted to network in the spiritual community, learn about Reiki, and receive a short treatment.

I'd met Wayne in 2011 when we were training to become Reiki Masters. When I walked into class the first day, my eyes locked on a man in his mid-fifties who towered over everyone else at six feet, six inches tall. I was a little intimidated at first because I'm a petite woman at five feet tall. However, as soon as I introduced myself, it became instantly clear that Wayne was someone I could trust. I also knew that we would be good friends and teach Reiki together. He told me later that he'd had the same premonition that day. Even our Reiki Master said she had sensed that Wayne and I would teach together someday. I believe our meeting was meant to be.

Neither of us had known at the time that Wayne would eventually open a healing center. He had learned Reiki to help himself and his family. He hadn't aspired to do spiritual healing for a living. However, not long after our training, he offered free distance healings and greatly enjoyed the satisfaction he got from helping people.

After performing several hundred remote healings, Wayne worked on an older woman named Brigette while she was terminally ill. To his amazement, she came and spoke to him after her passing. He explained to me that the deceased would come talk to him on a balcony that would appear above his head. When Brigette had spoken to him, she was gazing down at him from the balcony. A tall man was standing beside her that Wayne didn't recognize. The man remained silent while Brigette exclaimed, "Wayne, Reiki works! It works! You have to start a center!"

Afterward, Wayne talked to Brigette's daughter and described the man he had seen standing beside her mom. She said that was her mother's husband, who had died a few years before.

Spiritus Reiki Center was born shortly thereafter in July 2014. In honor of Brigette, Wayne named the center Spiritus, using the Latin word for spirit. If he hadn't been goaded to open a center in this manner, it likely never would have happened. Wayne had a strong connection with Spirit; he rarely made major life decisions without spiritual confirmation.

I had learned to do the same. When I obtained my Reiki Master certification in 2013, I wasn't interested in abandoning my lucrative job as an administrative assistant to open a spiritual center and offer classes. I didn't even feel like hosting Reiki circles in my home. I didn't know what to do, so I waited for Spirit to guide me.

The following year, when Wayne asked if I'd like to cohost Reiki circles and teach with him, I happily agreed. That was the guidance I'd been waiting for.

Wayne rented an old office suite in a nondescript business complex and transformed a space that had no personality into an inviting healing center. Reiki circles were held in the largest room while the smaller one was reserved for Wayne's private sessions. Lush plants and a multitiered porcelain fountain greeted visitors in the welcome area. Paintings of angels and other inspirational artwork hung on the walls. A variety of crystals provided additional spiritual ambience in every room.

Mere weeks after the grand opening, the Reiki circles grew from a dozen attendees to thirty or more. We taught a few classes sporadically for the first year, and by January 2016, we'd settled into a routine of monthly workshops. The energy was powerful, and many of our students had experienced transformations.

The night after my contact with Alan Rickman, about forty people attended the Reiki circle. Wayne opened the event with some general announcements, and then I explained Reiki to the newcomers and gave the dates of our upcoming classes. After a short break, Wayne turned on a meditation CD, and the practitioners performed treatments on those who had come to receive Reiki.

From Actor to Healer: Alan Rickman's New Life as a Spirit Guide, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now