Chapter 23 - The Crystal Angel Bed

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Over the next several weeks, Alan performed a series of distance healings on Wayne to continue to help him. Before each session, he asked me to tell Wayne to lie comfortably in a quiet, receptive position. Lying down wasn't required during remote treatments, but Alan believed it would help Wayne feel his energy work more strongly since he was incorporeal.

After each session, Alan shared messages with me that I subsequently texted to Wayne. I also asked Wayne if he'd felt Alan working on him, and he said yes. When I said, "Alan worked a lot on your third eye," for example, Wayne confirmed he'd felt it in that area.

We had great success with this, so Wayne asked me if Alan would be willing to give him some personal advice after one of our Reiki classes. Alan told me he would answer Wayne's questions, but Wayne had to give him permission first. This wasn't new to me. Since Alan had become a part of my life, I'd learned that spirit guides work with our intention and permission. They honor our free will.

Alan also asked for something in return. He offered to help Wayne in exchange for a session on his healing table. This surprised Wayne, but it didn't surprise me because Alan and I had spent many evenings giving each other Reiki.

Wayne's healing table is unlike anything else I've seen in Las Vegas. It's called a crystal angel bed. The surface contains a mosaic of hundreds of small blue angelite stones embedded in the surface, along with fluorite, calcite, tourmaline, agate, quartz, and seashells. Made in Hawaii, the bed is only one of four in existence. The bed has a long-standing reputation for providing pain relief and spiritual insights. It also helps to cleanse and balance the chakras.

The previous owner had credited the bed with prolonging her husband's life. He would lie on the bed every day as part of his healing regimen. No longer in need of it after her husband's death, she put it up for sale. Wayne purchased it a few months after Spiritus opened. Since then, the bed has become the cornerstone of his healing practice.

Wayne said he had never done a treatment on a spirit and didn't know why a spirit would want it, but he agreed. Alan said he knew it could be done and liked to experiment. He added, "I watched Wayne work on clients and knew what they had experienced. I wanted to see if it would be the same for me."

So one Sunday after our students left, Wayne and I went into the healing room and sat in the green armchairs across from the crystal angel bed. Wayne sat with a lined notepad on his lap and fired off one question at a time on his list. Alan comfortably provided responses to me, and I repeated them to Wayne. We were both impressed with Alan's insight. Wayne said afterward that Alan's answers were helpful.

Alan then lay on the crystal angel bed for his treatment. Wayne stood on the left side of the bed and asked me to stand on the right. We saw nothing initially, but we felt Alan's presence after a few moments.

Wayne then asked Spirit for the highest and best healing, whatever Alan most needed at that time. My friend called in his guides and began the session the way he usually did. He asked me to check Alan's chakras with my pendulum to see if they needed to be cleared. Even though no one was physically lying on the bed, the pendulum gave me yes and no responses as I dangled the amethyst over the area each chakra would be on a physical person. I performed energy work on each chakra as Spirit guided me.

Toward the end of the session, Wayne held his left hand over the area of Alan's third eye. At the same time, he reached over the bed to lay his right hand on my head. "I need to connect your third eyes," he said.

I stopped what I was doing, stood still, and closed my eyes. Energy flooded my being while Wayne worked.

When Wayne finished, he closed the session, and we thanked Alan for the opportunity to work on him. I had received no visions and heard no messages, so I couldn't wait to hear what Wayne had experienced.

My friend revealed that he had seen Alan lying on the bed at one point and got a good look at his face. He then blurted out, "Alan had a really big nose."

That wasn't the profound response I was expecting. Before Alan's death, Wayne wasn't much more familiar with his career than I was. He told me he'd seen Robin Hood twenty-five years earlier—too long ago to remember that Alan had been in the film. If Wayne had noticed Alan's nose, that was saying a lot.

Then Wayne added that he'd smelled something during the session. "It only lasted a minute. It was a strong musky cologne."

I was flabbergasted. "Wow, it must have been Alan's aftershave. That's what he told me it was. I smelled it in my house for weeks after I gave him the first Reiki attunement." Interestingly, I didn't detect the scent during the session. Alan must have projected the smell only at Wayne, along with the vision, to assure him that he was present.

I trusted that Alan had received what he needed from the session. Later he told me, "I felt peaceful. I had the sensation of going out of body. It's not quite the same as what you experience in the physical body, but it is similar. It's a shift in consciousness, an expanded awareness. That's the simplest way to put it. I had a lovely experience. I got clarity on a few things I was working on. I felt Wayne connect our brow chakras. It was real. It was as real for me as it is for anyone in a physical body who lies on the bed."

After this treatment and all the Reiki exchanges that Alan and I had been doing, I learned that we could—and should—do healing work with spirits. Even though they no longer have a physical body, they are still people with memories and emotions. Death doesn't bring instant healing from hurts they may have experienced in life. If that were so, Alan wouldn't have resisted . He also wouldn't have bothered to ask for a session on the crystal angel bed, for there would have been nothing for Wayne and the bed to heal.

In exchange for Wayne's help, Alan occasionally popped in during my friend's sessions and assisted his clients, not unlike how Alan helped me during Reiki circles. Alan didn't discuss his actions with me, but Wayne happily filled me in later.

From Actor to Healer: Alan Rickman's New Life as a Spirit Guide, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now